Democraemocracy in action is in no
finer form than with the Local Executive Board (LEB). This is the second-highest governing body of the whole union (with the highest being the Local Convention).
The members who compose this board are all rank-and-file members who have been voted in to serve at the last election or have been selected by their fellow workers. Each of them are a direct link -- you can find them in your workplace! -- for your concerns to be heard at these meetings that are held quarterly.
To ensure that a variety of concerns are heard, there is fair rep resentation on this board by industry and island division. Please use this as a guide to see who your representation is by industry and island for the next three years!
Titled Officers
President Christian West
Vice President Corinna Salmo Nguyen
Secretary-Treasurer Michael Victorino, Jr.
Division Directors
Hawaii Division: Elmer Gorospe,
Sr. Maui Division: Roberto Andrion, Jr.
Kauai Division: Rhonda Morris
Oahu Division: Michael Yamaguchi
Industrial Grouping Members
Longshore (Hawaii): Dwight Shaw
Pineapple (Oahu): Jimmy Barreras
General Trades (Hawaii): Roland Shimaoka, Jr.
Tourism (Hawaii): Erin Nakamatsu
Division Board Members
Hawaii Division: Elmer Gorospe, Jr.
Maui Division: Dane Josue
Kauai Division: Trudy Azeka
Oahu Division: Frazer Nu'u
Local Board of Trustees
Hawaii Division: Linda Pokipala
Maui Division: Lourdes Rivera
Kauai Division: Bryon Ponte
Oahu Division: Neill Amasaki
*Longshore Grouping: Drake Delaforce
*Pineapple Grouping: Mathew Rodrigues
*General Trades Grouping: Dona Takamori
*Tourism Grouping: Owen Castagan
(*Centralized Fund Trustees)
International Executive Board Members
Longshore - Hawaii Division: Radford De Motta
Pineapple - Maui Division: Ricardo De la Torre
General Trades - Maui Division: Sierra Delgado
Tourism - Oahu Division: Donna Lee Oyamot-Macha
Tourism Maui Division: Lourdes Rivera
The LEB meeting was held in person for the first time in two years on March 11, 2022. Safety precautions were observed, and it was a productive meeting with the majority of neighbor island members flown in to the ILWU Hall in Honolulu. Front: Roland Shimaoka, Erin Nakamatsu, Hawaii Division Director Elmer Gorospe, Elmer "Keola" Gorospe, Jr., Dona "Kehau" Oyamot-Maeha. Back L-R: Dwight Shaw, Radford De Motta, Local Sec- retary-Treasurer Michael Victorino, Jr., Local Vice President Corinna Salmo Nguyen, Local President Chris West, Kauai Division Director Rhonda Morris, Oahu Division Director Michael Yamaguchi, Trudy Azeka, Linda Pokipala, Neill Amasaki, Frazer Nu'u, Ricardo De la Torre, Jimmy Barreras.