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HONOLULU — The ILWU Pensioner Conference happens every two years with a different host island. Over 70 pensioners from all divisions attended the conference from June 12-14, 2018 on Oahu at the Ala Moana Hotel. The pensioners have their own conference in addition to the larger Local Convention that also happens every three years because they paved the way for workers today to enjoy the benefits and job security so many take for granted.

Educational opportunity 
The formal program of the conference took place on the afternoon of the first day and the morning of the second day.

Topics of discussion included political action, reports from the different clubs, and educational speakers.

“My favorite part of the schedule was the speeches. I learned so much about kupuna care. I’m getting old, but I still need to know what’s what,” said Catalina Andrade from Kauai.

The participants heard from a number of speakers including former Local Secretary-Treasurer Guy Fujimura, politicians Jill Tokuda and Aaron Ling-Johanson.

Never too late to get involved 
Beside the formal program, this conference provides the priceless gift of camaraderie.

“It’s good for us to get together like this because we see we have the same issues, said Dorothy “Dot” Sakamoto of Oahu.

“Seeing friends getting into care homes...others even losing their homes. Suffering never ends, but we will never stop. We’re not just pensioners who play bingo and go home. Yeah, we play bingo, but we are pensioners who care, and caring means getting involved. Especially in PAC.”

“We been through it” 
The last formal event was an evening banquet on the final night. It provided a chance for the pensioners to share their talents on the stage, and reflect together.

“Like before the lunas would harass the workers. ‘You do this or else.’ They had weapons and everything. Sun up til sun down getting just a dollar a day,” reflected Connie Baniaga from Kauai.

“You cannot do anything about it without a union to back you up,” added Dolly DeCosta from Kauai. “At that time if my kids wanted to go college and we couldn’t afford it, that was the end of the story. But then with the union, companies had to follow different laws...there were things like educational loans. The union made it so our kids had a choice. To go to college or not. So many positive changes. I appreciate living from one period to the next.”

Riding the bus to the airport til next time...the next Pensioners’ Conference will be on Maui at the Maui Beach Hotel in 2020.


See the following page to get involved in your pensioner club. Pictured above is the delegation gathered outside Ala Moana Hotel.