WAIPAHU — The downpour just a day earlier did not make for the best conditions on game day, October 12, 2019, but it takes more than a little mud and humidity to deter ILWU Local 142 sports players. This year’s annual Statewide Softball Tournament was hosted by Oahu Division and had teams representing every Division.
Game 1: Maui vs. Oahu
Oahu’s team Hawaii Stevedores Inc. (HSI) took on Maui Longshore in a game full of camaraderie and a boost of energy from the keiki who showed up to play on Maui’s team. Oahu won 11-7.
Game 2: Kauai vs. Big Island
Kauai and Hawaii were evenly matched teams, but Hawaii won 9-6.
Consolation Game
Kauai and Maui Longshore’s efforts were commendable in the consolation game, and Kauai won 9-5.
Championship Game
Continuing their friendly rivalry, Oahu and Big Island faced off in the championship game. In recent years, it has either been Oahu or the Big Island to take it!
The game almost ended in a tie. The Big Island had their bases loaded, but Oahu won in the end 8-7
Mahalo to Everyone!
The awards luncheon at the ILWU Hall afterward was full of camaraderie and everyone looking forward to seeing each other for next year’s tournament.
The day went smoothly thanks to a lot of planning and dedication from many. To Oahu Division Director Mike Yamaguchi and Oahu Business Agents Paris Fernandez and Dural Duenas, Local Secretary-Treasurer Brian Tanaka, Hawaii Business Agent Tristie Licoan, Maui Longshorewoman Jennifer Kaaihue, Kauai Business Agent Kai Lopez - thank you for running another successful ILWU Sporting event.

First Place Oahu: Back L-R: Corey Contrades, Tamatoa DeMello, Kepa Wong, Kekama Akana, Casey Purdy, John Samia, Moses Samia, Pono Meyers, Lance Powell, Hubert Pruitt, Joyen Murray, Choy Fu, Collin Masanes. Front L-R: Kale Ornelles, Kalei Contrades, KK Kamai, Ryan Antone, Koa Furtado. Missing: Coach Brian Big Hurt Gonzaga.

Second Place Big Island: Back L-R: Brycen Caravalho Unit 1516 DHL Mahi Staffing, Cameron Tabiolo, Aaron Peres Unit 1503 Mauna Kea Beach Hotel, Joby Amaral Unit 1518 The Westin Hapuna Beach Resort, Torry Caravalho Unit 1503, Devin Joaquin Unit 1515 Fairmont Orchid Hotel, Tyler Curtis Unit 1515. Front L-R: Reeve Cazimero Unit 1513 Waikoloa Village Golf Course, Chase Cazimero Unit 1513, Ian Caravalho Unit 1515, Mel Kelsom Unit 1516, Chance Pang Unit 1517.

Third Place Kauai L-R: Kendall Efhan Unit 3511 Grand Hyatt Kauai, Sean Bisarra Unit 3515 Princeville Resort, Kobey Dias Unit 3412 Gay and Robinson Power Plant, Reef Dias (family of member), Melissa Dias Unit 3410 Hawaii Pacific Health, Danel Laa Unit 3504 Troon Golf Princeville Makai Golf Course, Business Agent Kai Lopez, Michah Hee Unit 3403, Henry Hee Unit 3514 Hokuala Golf Club, Sam Dias Unit 3408 Pacific Service and Development.

Sportsmanship Award Maui Longshore Back: Sam Kaaihue, Michael DePont, Jennifer Kaaihue, Jackie Kaaihue, Kawai Texeira, Billy Sakamoto. 2nd row: Back L-R: Ceejay Santos, Kapono Zukevich, Brad Scott, Ross Yamada, Front: Mike Donahoo, Josiah Santos, Taylor Sakamoto, Joe Pacheco.