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KAHUKU—The 49th Annual ILWU State Golf Tournament was held at the Turtle Bay Resort Golf Club on August 31-Sept. 1, 2002. Despite the low turnout of 41 golfers for the event, many who participated couldn’t say enough about how much they enjoyed the tournament play and the awards banquet.

“We didn't have as many golfers from the mainland this year, which we attribute to the tough longshore negotiations taking place on the West Coast,” said Sports Coordinator Brian Tanaka. Other conflicting events such as a Maui hotels golf tournament, which was held the same weekend, may also have kept ILWU golfers away.

In any case, those who didn't come missed two days of perfect weather on Turtle Bay’s Arnold Palmer and George Fazio Courses and a delicious buffet awards dinner in one of Turtle Bay’s banquet rooms.

Every golfer who finished both rounds won an award, but the top winners were Rich Ulrich in the “A” Flight, Randy Adams in the “B” Flight, Barbara Gaidsick in the Women’s Flight, and Wil Bergado in the Guest Flight.

Tanaka and his Sports Co-coordinator Brandon Bajo-Daniel, along with Unit 4412 - Servco Pacific, Inc. Chair Kenneth Ige and Lotti Adams and the ILWU Oahu Golf Club worked hard to make this tournament a success.

Oahu Business Agents and Sports Coordinators Brian Tanaka and Brandon Bajo-Daniel with Men’s “A” Flight 2nd place winner Thomas Saito Sr. (center)



Foursome caught at the 12th hole at the Turtle Bay George Fazio Course: (lr) Bart Ovalles (3rd place, “A” flight), Dennis Dato (6th place, “A” flight), Eric Adams Jr. (5th place, Guest Flight) and Rich Ulrich (1st place, “A” Flight.)


Men’s “A” Flight 1st place winner Richard Ulrich is an ILWU member from Washington state.


Randy Adams of Oahu with the Francis I. Brown Memorial Trophy for the Men’s Overall Low Net Score. (Above) Kauai’s Billy Galindo won the Men’s Overall Low Gross and will have his name placed on the Fred Paulino Memorial Trophy. (Left) Barbara Gaidsick of California swept the women’s awards, taking first place in the category. She will have her name inscribed on both the Saburo Fujisaki and the Tommy Trask Perpetual Trophies.