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Deletions are bracketed and struck through and additions are underlined.

1. C-2 & C-3 - Local Convention - Article IV - Section 4.02 4.02 The Convention shall be composed to the following: Titled Officers, Division Directors, the Hawaii Longshore Chairperson/ Division Director and full-time Committeemen, Business Agents, Local Executive Board Members, Local 142 International Executive Board Members, Official International Executive Board Observers, Division Political Action Committee Chairs, Local Board of Trustees, Division Representatives and representatives from every unit or section on the following basis, one of whom shall be the unit chair or their alternate.

Units with 10 to 75 membership, 1 delegate; Units with 76 to 250 membership, 2 delegates; Units with 251 to 500 membership, 3 delegates; Units with 501 to 750 membership, 4 delegates; Units with 751 to 1,000 membership, 5 delegates; Units with 1,001 or more membership, 6 delegates.

2. C-4 - Delegates to International Convention - Article XI - Section 11.02 11.02 Units may elect additional delegates and they shall serve at the expense of the respective units. Delegates sent at the expense of the respective units shall be entitled to their pro rata share of the Local votes. Should a properly elected unit delegate take vacation or otherwise pay their own expenses, they shall not be denied their pro rata share of the Local votes.

3. C-5 - Nominations - Article XIII - Section 13.04 13.04 It shall be the duty of the Secretary-Treasurer to draft the ballots in accordance with the Constitution. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for the correctness of the ballot. [By October 15th all candidates shall be sent a sample copy of the ballot by certified mail and they shall have until 4:00 p.m. of October 20th in which to reply and challenge the correctness of the ballot.] All candidates shall be mailed a sample copy of the ballot no later than October 7. If candidates wish to submit a reply and challenge the correctness of the ballot, it must be received by the Local SecretaryTreasurer no later than 4:00 p.m. seven calendar days after the sample ballot is mailed. The ballot shall be divided, with the Titled Officers on one section, and the Division Officers on the other.

4. C-6 - Elections - Balloting Committees - Article XIV - Section Members of the Unit Balloting Committee may consist of one or more members of the Division Balloting Committee and one or more unit members. A Chair and Secretary shall be elected from the members of the Unit Balloting Committees with composition of not more than: Units with 25 to 50 [51] membership 2 members;

Units with 51 to 150 membership 3 members; Units with 151 to 400 membership 4 members; Units with 401 to 600 membership 5 members; Units with 601 to 800 membership 6 members; Units with 801 or more membership 8 members.

Units with membership of less than 25 shall be combined for balloting purposes [by the Division Director, who will inform the Division Balloting Committee of such combinations]. Balloting shall be conducted in such combined units by a committee of not less than 2 members according to the schedule.

5. C-7 - Elections - Article XIV -Section 14.04.2 14.04.2 In order to orientate the Division and Unit Balloting Committee with the procedure of elections, pre-election meetings will be held in each Division by the Local SecretaryTreasurer or their representative [not later than the first week of October]

6. C-8 - Runoff Elections - Article XIV - Section 14.05 14.05.1 In the event of a runoff, [the same procedure shall be followed as in the general election.] the runoff shall be conducted within 45 days after [T]the Secretary-Treasurer receives the certified results of the balloting. The Local Election Committee shall immediately make arrangements for the taking of a runoff election.

14.05.2 [The Unit] Balloting Committees shall conduct the runoff election to commence as soon as possible, provided that all members shall be mailed a notice of election not less than fifteen days prior to the election [on the first Monday in December and concluding 4:00 p.m. Friday of said week].

14.05.3 [The Unit] Balloting Committees will turn in the ballots after the close of the election but no later than 9:00 a.m. of the next Monday following the election, and the Division Balloting Committee will promptly commence tabulating the votes.

7. C-9 - Bylaws - Retired Candidates Running for Office Section 18. Retirement, Pension and/or Severance Pay. Any full-time elective officer or appointed staff member who receives retirement, pension and/or severance pay from ILWU Local 142 because of normal or early retirement, resignation before their term has expired and other reasons as agreed upon by the Local Executive Board shall not thereafter again be eligible to be a candidate for full-time office, unless they thereafter retain or reestablish membership in the Local and repay all sums received in [retirement, pension and/or] severance pay.

8. C-12 - Meetings - Article XXXII - Article 32.06 32.06 Division Executive Board. The Division Executive Board shall endeavor to meet once every month, but not less than 11 times a year, to act on all matters affecting the Division.

9. C-13 - Meetings - Article XXXII - Article 32.09 32.09 Unit Chairs Meetings. The Division may call special meetings of the Unit Chairs as needed. The Local shall pay lost wages, subsistence and mileage for the Unit Chair to attend one (1) meeting per Triennial. Lost wages for any additional meetings of the Unit Chairs shall be at the Units’ expense.

9. C-14 - Political Action Fund - Article XXXIII - Section 33 33.01 The Local Political Action Fund shall consist of individual contributions from members.

33.02 The Local Convention shall determine the amount of contribution to the Local Political Action Fund by each member. 

33.03 Those members who wish to make a political action contribution directly to the Fund, may do so in any amount and whenever they wish. Non-members may also contribute in accordance with State of Hawaii requirements. 

33.04 The Secretary-Treasurer shall submit a written financial report to the Local Executive Board during its regular quarterly meeting. The financial reports must include the total amount of contributions and detailed expenses incurred by division.

10. C-15 - Amendments - Article XXXVI - Section 36.01.1 36.01.1 Amend the second (2nd) sentence in this section to read as follow:

All proposed amendments shall be submitted to the Local SecretaryTreasurer at least 30 days before the opening day of the Local Convention, and shall be legibly typewritten specifying the Article and Section to be amended and signed by the unit or the Local titled Officer or any Division submitting such changes.

11. C-16 - Creates the Hawaii Longshore Division - new Article XXXVII 37.01 Among the various Divisions of Local 142, ILWU is the Hawaii Longshore Division (called, “Hawaii Longshore Division”). In view of its unique financial wherewithal and multi-island jurisdiction, the Hawaii Longshore Division shall operate as a fully autonomous Division within Local 142, governed exclusively by its Longshore Division membership, Longshore Division officers, Longshore Division executive board and Longshore Division committees in accordance with the provisions of this Article XXXVII and the Hawaii Longshore Division Bylaws, which Bylaws may be amended from time to time by the Hawaii Longshore Division in accordance with section 37.08 below. The Longshore Division shall provide the Local with a copy of its Bylaws and amendments.

37.02 The members of the Hawaii Longshore Division are bound by each and all of the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws of Local 142, except as modified and superseded by the provisions of this Article XXXVII and by the Hawaii Longshore Division Bylaws, which Bylaws may be amended from time to time by the Hawaii Longshore Division as it sees fit in accordance with section 37.08. The Chairperson/ Division Director of the Hawaii Longshore Division shall have a seat 

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Island mayors sing for ILWU

All four county mayors attended the ILWU’s Convention Banquet on September 17, 2009. Maui Mayor Charmaine Tavares, Kauai Mayor Bernard Carvalho, Honolulu Mayor Mufi Hannemann, and Hawaii County Mayor William Kenoi sang several songs to the delight of members and guests. The attendance of the four mayors demonstrate the respect and strong community and political support earned by the ILWU in Hawaii.