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The Interntional Transport Workers Federation (ITF) is raising awareness around a case of alleged labor trafficking of a group of filipino fishermen in Washington State. The case was brought to the attention of Puget Sound ITF Inspector Cyus Donato by faily members of the fishermen. Activists from the Filipino community in Western Washington also alerted federal authorities. The case is under federal investigation with assistance from the Coast Guard, Customs Border Patrol, the U.S. Department of Justice Human Trafficking Prosecution Unit, and local authorities.

Stranded in Westport The case involves 24 Filipino fishermen working for California based McAdam’s Fish who were contracted through Pescadores International, a Filipino labor agency. The workers say they were stranded and isolated onboard fishing vessels in Westport, WA for nearly three months without receiving their full wages and in substandard conditions while the company waited for the price of fish to increase, according to a news report by Cascade PBS. McAdams said Pescadores was responsible for the timely payment of wages to the workers and stated that the time spent docked in Westport was “longer than normal,” the PBS report states.

Before docking in Westport, the workers spent four months fishing ifor
albacore tuna along the west Coast. the fishermen would work up to 17 hours a day catching tuna unsing a “pole and line” method—considered to be one fo the most sustainable methods of fishing because of the low rate of “bycatch” (the catching of other marine species unintentionally) and because it has a lower environmental impact than trawling. The tuna were then flash-forzen nd stowed onboard the vessel. “Pole and line” caught fish certified by the Marine Stewardship Council is often maraketed as eco friendly to consumers willing to pay a premium for more green-friendly products. hoever, the eco-friendly certification obscures the human cost paid by vulnerable workers in the global fishing supply chain.

In September of last year, the vessel docked in Westport to unload their catch, all but one of the captains departed after docking leaving the Filipino fishermen stuck onboard the vessels for months without pay until federal authorities finally intervend in late Decemeber, 2023.

Visas and vulnerability The U.S. does not require foreign fishing workers on U.S. flagged vessels to have work visas and as a result, they could not legally leave the boats and workers say they feel trapped. The workers said they wee told they faced a $5,000 fine if they so much as stepped onto the dock, preventing them from using
the bathroom or visiting fishermen stranded on other boats.

“It’s like the children’s game ‘the floor is lava,” explained Donato, describing the tragic and absurd situation workers faced. “If yu touch the pier you get a $5,000 fine, and you’re shipped back to your country without receiving your full wages.”

The workers were confined on five separate 20-foot vessels. Donato explained, “These vessels aren’t deep draft commercial ships with a full range of amenities. In the eyes of the government, these workers don’t exist, leaving them isoldated and vulnerable.

Six of the fishermen left the vessel with federal agents and are cooperating with the investigation. The remaining 18 workers remained on board and were repatriated weeks later

The six workers who remained in the U.S. have dubbed themselves the “United 6.” Im addition to cooperating with the investigation, they have been fighting for $3,600 in back wages workers say each of them is owed, and woking with Filipino community organizations to raise awareness about the vulnerability of foreign fishermen. The workers have been granted “Continued Presence” designation by the U.S. govrnment, a temporary immigration designation
given to individuals identified by law enforcement as victims of human trafficking.

Far-reaching impacts ITF West Coast Coordinator Ryan

Brazeau explained the far-reaching impact that the failure to pay proper wages or failure to pay wages on time can have n seafarersʻ families back home.

“There is a snowball effect that comes with not being paid wages on a regular basis. It doesnʻt stop at the seafarer, especially for Filipino workers who have extended familiy members dependent on them. it can affect their access to health care or their abiity to afford food. It is common for an extended family to live in one domicile and they are all affected if one company is not paying a seafarer or a fisherman their regular wages. It can be catasrophic,” said Brazeau.

In additions to the wage issue, the workers say they were made to endure living in inadequate and substandard conditions while confined to the vessels o ththree months. according to a Justices for the United 6 campaign fact sheet, those conditions included:

  • Inadequate facilities on the boat that affected the daily needs of the fishermen like hot water for bathing;
  • Lack of adequate medical care;
  • Being forced to defecate and urnatee on the vessel without proper sewage or cleaning;
  • Isolation that affected tehir physical wll-being and mental health.

Visas and vulnerability
Chris Williams with ITF’s Fisheries Sectdion noted the irony of the situation that the U.S., a vocal advocate in combating trafficking in the fishing industry throughout the global fishing
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