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Are you a new employee, hired within the last twelve months?

If so, this issue of the Voice of the ILWU was prepared especially for you. As a union member, you are entitled to many rights and benefits and some responsibilities. This issue will help get you started with the essential information you need as a member of the ILWU. (Even longtime members may find the information useful.)

First of all, the Voice of the ILWU is the official newspaper of the ILWU Local 142. You are receiving the newspaper because you are now a member of the ILWU. Your membership in the ILWU started when you were hired into your job. At the time you were hired, you signed a form which allows for the automatic payment of union dues by payroll deduction. This form also serves as an application for membership in the union. 

—more on pages 2, 3, 6 and 7