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(editor’s note: this has been edited for length. To see the full version, please visit

Biden released his plan to help workers and support collective bargaining rights on his website (

Some highlights from his labor agenda include:

• Financial penalties on companies that interfere with workers’ organizing efforts, including firing or otherwise retaliating against workers.

• Enacting legislation to impose stiffer penalties on corporations and hold company executives personally liable when they interfere with organizing efforts, including criminally liable when their interference is intentional.

• Institute a multi-year federal debarment for all employers who illegally oppose unions. 

• Ban employers’ mandatory meetings with their employees, including captive audience meetings in which employees are forced to listen to anti-union rhetoric.

 • Extend the right to organize and bargain collectively to independent contractors. 

• Ensure workers in the “gig economy” and beyond receive the legal benefits and protections they deserve.

Screenshot via Twitter

• Codify into law NLRB rules allowing for shortened timelines of union election campaigns 

• Stop employers from stalling initial negotiations with newly formed unions. 

• Ban state laws prohibiting unions from collecting dues or comparable payments from all workers who benefit from union representation 

• Create a cabinet-level working group that will solely focus on promoting union organizing and collective bargaining in the public and private sectors. 

• Expand long overdue rights to farmworkers and domestic workers. 

• Increase the federal minimum wage to $15.

• Increase workplace safety and health. 

• Expand protections for undocumented immigrants who report labor violations.

Thanks to members like you— big victories for Union political action

In the Hawaii elections, the vast majority of ILWU Local 142-endorsed candidates won their elections.

This was the first year Hawaii conducted elections with all mail-in voting. Voter service centers were also available throughout each island for in-person voting.

Hawaii made this shift just in time for the unique circumstances of 2020, and this year’s general election had a record-breaking turnout of nearly 70%. A record 579,000 votes were cast.

Hawaii for Biden 
Joe Biden beat Donald Trump by securing 63.2% of the vote to Trump’s 33.9%. Biden secured all four of the state’s electoral votes. The Democratic victory extended beyond the Presidential race.

Success in key races 
Union-endorsed Kai Kahele won by a large margin in the race for the seat in the House of Representatives representing Hawaii’s 2nd congressional district.

Among other significant wins for Local 142-endorsed candidates were Rick Blangiardi for Honolulu mayor, and Mitch Roth in the Hawaii County mayoral race.

Wins in the Legislature 
In the general election, ILWU Local 142 supported eight State Senate candidates. All eight of them won. Another six senators the Local endorsed won their primary elections and were not on the General Election ballot. The State Senate is now composed of 24 Democrats and one Republican.

As for the State House, Local 142 supported 29 candidates in the General Election. Nine House members already won their primaries, and the Union did not endorse candidates in eight races. Only one of our House candidates lost — Trish La Chica came second in a very close race against Republican Val Okimoto to represent Mililani’s District 36.

The State House of Representatives will once again be majority Democrat. Democrats will hold 47 seats in the 51-seat House, while Republicans hold four.

Local 142 PAC effort undeterred by COVID COVID
 created severe limits on all the usual campaign tactics that have proven successful in the past, such as canvassing door to door, and signholding en masse.



Top photo: Fe Cooper from Unit 2520 Grand Wailea, Maui Business Agent Emmanuel Baltazar and his grandson Isaac Madriaga, and Digno Castillo from Unit 2520 holding signs for Biden at Queen Kaahumanu Shopping Center. Middle photo: Business Agents Paris Fernandez, Dural Duenas, Corin Kekua, Dillon Hullinger, and Oahu Division Director Michael Yamaguchi signwave for Rick Blangiardi on Atkinson Drive in Honolulu. Bottom photo: Irene and Lloyd Matsubara from Unit 1517 Hilton Waikoloa Village and Mayor Mitch Roth on the Big Island.

However, from Hawaii Division passing out free chili and rice on behalf of Mitch Roth, to Rick Blangiardi attending Oahu’s regularly scheduled food drives, every Division was resourceful in terms of reaching out to its members to vote.

Thank you for helping make this union strong by not only voting for candidates who will prioritize the issues of labor while in office, but also staying active in PAC all year round and in the midst of a pandemic, too.