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The 25th biennial conference of the ILWU State Pensioners Association was held May 15-17 in Honolulu at the ILWU union hall. The conference rotates among the islands every two years. The last time it was held in Honolulu eight years ago, the ILWU building was under renovation. This time, pensioners were able to see the improvements to the building and find their names on the glass doors as contributors to the restoration of the Pablo O’Higgins mural.

The ILWU pensioner program has been around for 50 years. That’s a long time, but we want to keep it going for a long time more. Although some pensioners are slowing down, most of them remain lively and enthusiastic about continuing the programs that keep them healthy, their minds sharp, and looking forward to more activities.

Hannemann and Hanabusa wow the crowd 
The highlight of the conference was the appearance of Mayor Mufi Hannemann and Senate President Colleen Hanabusa, who both addressed the conference as candidates endorsed by the ILWU.

Hannemann assured delegates that he is committed to running for Governor and will file his papers soon. Hannemann talked about his qualifications to become Governor by pointing out that he is the executive of a major municipality and has the vision and skills to lead Hawaii into the future. Hannemann took questions from the audience and received an unsolicited endorsement from a Hawaii Division pensioner who admitted she was skeptical about the union’s endorsement until she heard Hannemann personally. Thereafter, the conference was briefly recessed to allow Hannemann to meet each delegate. Pensioners all wanted to take a photo with the next Governor.

In her speech, Hanabusa said that she grew up with her grandparents on a sugar plantation in Waianae and there developed the values that shape her character and her understanding of the importance of service to the community. She said her colleagues in the Senate chose her to lead them because they knew that her word is good. Hanabusa also worked her way through the crowd, meeting retirees who may not be able to vote for her but who have family and friends who can.

Other speakers 
Conference participants also heard from Local President Isaac Fiesta, Local Secretary-Treasurer Guy Fujimura, Memorial Association President Robert Girald, and Oahu Division Director Dave Mori. Adele Ching of the Senior Medicare Patrol alerted the pensioners about the cost of Medicare fraud, abuse and waste and urged them to be mindful of how much is being charged for their medical expenses. Fraud, abuse and waste end up costing taxpayers and can affect future benefits.

Democracy in action 
The conference agenda was amended to address Hawaii Division delegates’ concerns about political action. Following an hour of spirited discussion, the body agreed with the Local Political Action Committee’s policy on following the Local’s endorsements, and encouraging pensioners to do the same, without imposing sanctions but affirming that no politician should split the Union.

Delegates also adopted several resolutions, including one in support of the ILWU Political Action Program and Endorsed Candidates and another on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

A time to socialize 
While most of the conference delegates are in their 80’s and some need to use canes, walkers and wheelchairs, all of them were ready for a good time. They enjoyed bingo (especially the prizes!), talking with old and new friends, and the hospitality room. The banquet was decorated like a wedding with orchid centerpieces and favors for each guest, thanks to energetic Oahu Division pensioners. Pensioners shared their time and talent by making for each delegate leis from the perforated ends of computer paper, crocheted luggage tag pompoms, and crocheted towel holders.

On the last day, delegates went on an excursion to Hawaii’s Plantation Village, a Waipahu museum on plantation life, including replicas of Chinese, Portuguese, Japanese and Puerto Rican houses and a social hall. Pensioners who took the guided tours through the village reminisced about their own plantation experiences.

Next conference on Maui 
The next biennial conference will be held on Maui in 2012. Newly elected State Association officers are: President, George Bugarin (Maui); Vice President, Ernest Domingo (Kauai); Secretary, Tom Poy (Hawaii); and Treasurer, Dorothy Sakamoto (Oahu).

Retirees invited to join 
If you’re retired and want to join in the fun, contact your ILWU Division to find out what clubs are in your area. Or, if you want to form a club of your own, contact Joanne Kealoha, Local Social Services Coordinator, or the Division Pensioner Coordinators: Michael Machado, Kauai; Karl Lindo, Oahu; Teddy Espeleta, Maui; and George Martin, Hawaii.

All pensioner programs are under the supervision of the ILWU Memorial Association, whose president is Robert Girald, retired Local Vice President.

Participants heard from several speakers, including Local President Isaac Fiesta Jr., Local Secretary-Treasurer Guy K. Fujimura, Memorial Association President Robert G. Girald, Oahu Division Director Dave Mori, andAdele Ching of the Senior Medicare Patrol.