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KEKAHA—How many championships make a dynasty? If they haven’t reached that goal yet, the Mauna Lani basketballers are on their way with an 8th consecutive title at the ILWU statewide tournament.

The 23rd annual ILWU state basketball tournament was held at the Kekaha High School Gym on Friday and Saturday, December 3 and 4, 2004.

On Friday night, Maui and Oahu battled it out in a close contest right up to the end that saw the valley-islers prevail by a score of 41 to 35. The second game of the evening was a blowout, with Hawaii defeating Kauai 82 to 39. Kauai only scored six points in the first half, but made a good effort to comeback in the second half against Hawaii’s fast-breaking team.

Saturday morning saw Oahu defeat Kauai in the consolation bracket 46- 38. Both teams played a very tough, physical game with strong defense.

In the championship contest, Maui won the tip and scored first, but after that it was all Hawaii’s game. The Maui team worked hard to hold its own and control the tempo, using big man Lon Tolutai inside to score up the lane.

But Hawaii—led by high-scorers Lawrence Kauka, Allan Coito Jr. and Keone Emiliano—outran and outshot Maui to a final score of 85 to 55.

Kauai Sports Coordinator Pam Green thanked Jon Garcia, Carl Hose, Mona Dotario and Melissa Ragasa for all their help in setting up for the awards luncheon, her husband Joel “for putting up with me through all the work prior to the event,” and Sports Coordinators Brandon Bajo-Daniel, Delbert DeRego, and Richard Kaniho for their help with scoring and running the three-point contest. ◆

Champions: Hawaii Division—winners of the ILWU basketball tournament eight years in a row, sponsored by Unit 1516 - Mauna Lani Resorts. The tournament MVP is Lawrence Kauka (standing, second from left). “I didn’t expect to be named MVP,” says Kauka, “I thought the other guys scored more. It’s very gratifying because I’m one of the oldest guys on my team.” Most of the team members play together year round for a team named “NSP” (No Sense Play) and have shot hoops together for about 15 years.


2nd Place: Maui Division, with players from Maui hotels including Hyatt Maui, The Westin Maui, and Kapalua Bay Hotel.


3rd Place: Oahu Division’s “Pitch Black” with players from Unit 4404 - Pepsi Bottling Group and Unit 4408 - Weyerhaeuser Co. Mike Parenti (standing, second from right) won the half-time three point contest.


4th Place: Kauai Division, sponsored by Unit 3408 - Mid Pac Auto Center.