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Robert McElrath

Leadership at the International level means vision, discipline, organization, and most of all, accountability. Leadership means Robert McElrath knowing the goals of the rank and file, understanding the contract and representing the Union’s position to the employers. Leadership at the International level means protecting all divisions of the ILWU and enforcing all of our contractual rights and benefits. It means helping to clarify the direction of the Longshore industry. With an energized, focused and united workforce, our ILWU will continue strongly into the future.

As the Vice President of the ILWU International, my job was to serve not only as Co-Chair of the Coast Labor Relations for Longshore, but to oversee the operations of the organizing department. In the last six years I cut unnecessary items from the organizing budget which increased the funds available, allowing for more aggressive organizing programs to be taken on such as Blue Diamond, Oxbow and Kaiser Permanente Guards. Organizing inland and around our ports must continue to be a priority for our future.

Since 1934 the ILWU has had five Presidents and I have served as an Officer under three of the five. I served one year on the Coast Committee in 1993-1994, and on the Coast Committee from 1997-2000. I was then elected as International Vice President for two terms from 2000-2003, and 2003-2006.

In 1993 and 1996 I negotiated the Master Longshore Agreement as Columbia River Representative, and I was Co-Chair on the 1999 and 2002 Longshore Contract negotiations. I was Chairman of the Pacific Northwest Shipboard Grain negotiations and Chairman of the in-House Grain negotiations. I also negotiated the All-Alaska Longshore Contract and the Local #5 Powell’s Bookstore contract.

After 37 years on the waterfront, I offer my energy and willingness for hard work to meet the challenges of our future. I must admit, it is not always an easy path, but I consider it a privilege to be able to spend my working life continuing the work of our founders and hard-working brothers and sisters. I am fortunate to have earned your confidence, giving me the ability to expend my daily energies on something I believe so strongly in—our ILWU.

My goal is to continue and maintain two-way communications with all the Locals. I intend to report openly and make every effort to understand each Division’s concerns. I intend to work closely with the other Titled Officers, whether on the mainland or in Hawaii, and to maintain strong leadership with honesty, integrity and with an intense commitment to the ILWU.

I repeat what I have said before: I believe we must face the future as united as we were when we earned our place in Labor History. We must forge ahead with a common agenda that will allow us to prosper through the inevitable changes that will face our industries. We cannot change what happened yesterday, but united, we can change what happens tomorrow. “An injury to one is an injury to all.” ◆

Candidate for International Vice President-Mainland

Joe Radisich

Brothers and Sisters of the ILWU: My name is Joe Radisich and I’m running for the position of International Vice President, Mainland of the ILWU. I am a 21-year member of the ILWU working mostly out of Local 13 with two years as a foreman in Local 94. I have served Local 13 over the past 14 ears in various capacities including Executive Board, Caucus delegate, business agent and vice president.

Over the past eight years I have helped develop the Local 13 Political Action Committee and PAC fund. I have been involved in many political campaigns in Southern California and have tirelessly pushed the ILWU agenda in the political arena. I am the President of the Southern California District Council and have represented Local 13 at the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor for the past eight years.

In the 2002 longshore contract negotiations I served as the coordinator of Public Relations and helped formulate a game plan to fight PMA’s attacks against the ILWU. In 2005 I was appointed by the mayor of Los Angeles to serve as one of five Joe Radisich commissioners on the Los Angeles Board of Harbor Commissioners. I graduated from UCLA in 1991.

I am running for this position because I believe I have the experience and connections to help the ILWU move forward in the future. My overall vision for the union is to implement strategies that are proactive, strategies that will give us our best chance for achieving good contracts and increasing our ranks.

These proactive activities include increasing our political activities, organizing and running campaigns such as the union’s “Saving Lives” environmental campaign.

On the political action front, more needs to be done to raise money. I will make this a major priority, as well as making sure our legislative necessities are met.

Organizing will also be a priority. Working with organizer Peter Olney, the convention and caucus haved mandated a push inland to organize the warehouses that are part of the logisitics chain. I believe I can be helpful calling on the strong labor and political support in Southern California. This will be a long and probably costly task because the organizing department needs more resources.

Finally, the union learned valuable lessons in the 2002 contract that PR, community relations and labor support are critical in winning contracts. This not only applies to longshore, but to all sectors of the ILWU. Championing cleaner ports is one strategy of doing this. Also, in an era of globalization, taking our fight and programs internationally will be critical.

If you think these types of programs are important and your vision for this union is to be proactive and not reactive, I would be honored to have your vote. ◆

Candidate for International Secretary-Treasurer

Willie E. Adams

It has been my privilege and high honor to have served the membership of this great union for the last three years. My work is still not complete. I like to get quiet and attack through my work and I am more committee now than ever.

My varied ILWU experience includes: Longshore Caucus delegate for seven years; three-time Convention delegate (2000, 2003 and 2006); Chairman of the Coast Jurisdiction Committee; a member of the Coast Legislative Action Committee serving in Washington, D.C.; a member of the International Executive Board and IEB Trustee; and for the last three years, International Secretary-Treasurer.

On behalf of the union, I have traveled to Australia, Brazil, France, Willie E. Adams Holland, Germany, Belgium, South Africa, Cuba and Vietnam, carrying the proud banner and reputation of the ILWU.

I have rolled up my sleeves, and have worked with all divisions of our union. I have learned so much from all the divisions of our union. I have built some great relationships with key Senators and members of Congress in Washington, D.C. and the next three years I will work on even harder so we have even more friends and access.

I am really looking forward to our education programs the next three years, to reach even more of our members and to strike a chord with our new members so they get the fire. I really feel in the next three years organizing is going to really kick into full gear with a lot of energy, passion and bringing new members into our family.

And yes, the International has been there backing up the needs of any local or division, whenever we have been called. And yes, we have stepped up our game in organizing, political action, public relations, education and in the international arena.

I know that the next three years are going to be exciting times. The new leadership is very poised and ready for our many challenges ahead. And yes, we work within our budget, we work for our members. We will give them our best and then some. ◆