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Wesley “Wes” Furtado

Second generation Longshoreman. Dedicated over 20 years to serving our union. Rank-and-file member and a lead organizer, shop steward, unit officer, and Longshore negotiating committee member. Elected as Business Agent, then appointed as an International Representative in Wesley “Wes” Furtado Hawaii. Elected as the International Vice President of the Hawaii Region in 2000.

Years of supporting and leading many organizing campaigns that have added new members to the ranks of our union in various industries. Spokesperson for many contract negotiations, including first contracts for newly organized members and for contract renewals for existing union members. Also supported membership mobilizations for contract negotiations in different industrial groupings.

Attend Longshore caucuses, bargaining sessions, and meetings to increase understanding of new technology and industry standards. Participated in past negotiations for Hawaii Longshore and satellite unit contracts..

Participated in lobbying for support for Longshore negotiations, Agriculture industry issues, Tourism industry issues, and issues concerning General Trades in both Washington D.C. and in Hawaii. Staff organizers are encouraged to participate in Local 142 and Division political action efforts whenever possible. Looking forward, we need to focus on important political races to strengthen our jurisdiction.

The International works with the IBU-Hawaii leadership in their negotiations to improve working conditions and benefits. We are currently working on organizing campaigns to help build IBU membership in Hawaii.

The Hawaii Region Organizing Department works along with Local 142 and Divisions. Hawaii Region organized new members into our union in the last three years. To increase the effectiveness of organizing efforts the International, Local 142, and Divisions, negotiate employer neutrality and card-check agreements to support strategic organizing.

In 2005, we negotiated the first Health & Welfare Trust Fund agreement for our members in the Tourism industry. This Trust Fund will help control the rising cost of health care insurance premiums.

The International supports training for union members and leadership using national resources. In Hawaii, the International has supported education and training for union members pertaining to drug awareness and treatment. The International has access to resources on the national level and internationally. The International communicates directly with other National or International unions and organizations who share common interests with our union members in Longshore, Agriculture, Tourism, and General Trades groupings.

I’d like to thank my fellow union brothers and sisters for their support and the opportunity to serve as International Vice President - Hawaii. I ask for your continued vote of support so I can continue to serve the membership. ◆

Candidates for Local 142 Industrial Grouping Representative to the International Executive Board

Industrial Grouping
Bob Zahl, Unit 2101

Industrial Grouping
Nate Lum, Unit 4201

Industrial Grouping
Avelino Martin, Unit 4305

General Trades
Industrial Grouping
Kenneth Ige, Unit 4412

Industrial Grouping
Joey Silva, Unit 3501