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Thinking of staying at the Pagoda Hotel?

The Pagoda Hotel in Honolulu is owned by HTH Corporation. This company, which also owns the Pacific Beach Hotel in Waikiki, has broken many labor laws and has caused over 450 unionized workers to lose their jobs at the Pacific Beach Hotel. The company is forcing the workers to reapply for the same jobs they worked at for years. Many workers are afraid they will not be rehired because of their union activity. This would be a serious violation of labor law, but the hotel doesn’t seem to care.

Many neighbor island people stay at the Pagoda Hotel, but do you really want your money going to an employer like HTH?

For a few dollars more, you can choose to stay at the Honolulu Airport Hotel, where workers have an ILWU contract, are treated fairly, and are paid decent wages and benefits. There are also other unionized hotels in Waikiki where you can get a much better room for about the same price as the Pagoda Hotel and even less.

If you choose to stay at a nonunion hotel, there are at least four hotels with room prices much lower than the Pagoda Hotel. These 2.5 star hotels have rooms for as low as $52-$69 a night. Shop around, there are better deals out there, and better employers than HTH Corporation. ◆