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Union members should think of negotiations as a continuing process that doesn’t end when a new contract is approved. Members need to read and understand their contract, so they know their rights. Unit officers and shop stewards must be alert to make sure management follows the terms of the contract and members get the full benefits they are entitled to receive.

When a contract is in place, a step-by-step process called the grievance procedure is used to handle disputes and violations of the contract. When members feel the company has violated their rights or if there are problems on the job, they should talk to their union steward or unit officers. The union will work on the member’s behalf to settle the problem with management.

ILWU members from Unit 2520 - Grand Wailea participate in steward training at the Wailuku ILWU Union Hall. Grand Wailea new stewards and officers learned about their rights at work, the role of a union representative, and practiced listening, communication and problem-solving skills.

Your union contract—the result of years of struggle

Your union contract is a written agreement with your employer. It defines your wages, benefits, conditions of employment, and rights. It is enforceable through a grievance procedure and ultimately in a court of law.

The union contract is like a constitution governing union-management relations. Like the constitution it sets forth your rights on the job. The contract is the symbol of the past victories of the workers in getting their rights recognized. It is the result of the struggles over many years in which the workers got the employers to recognize their union, to bargain with the union, and to put the agreement down in writing.

Sacrifices were made 
In the course of these struggles many workers made great sacrifices.

Some of them lost their jobs and were deported. Many went on strike and endured tough times in order that we might enjoy the benefits of the union contract today. Because of them we don’t have to face these hardships. It is our duty to fight to preserve and improve the union contract. We owe it to ourselves and we owe it to our fellow workers who have pioneered the way for us.

Know your contract 
But we can’t obtain our rights under the contract, no matter how good it is, unless we know what those rights are. A lawyer must know something of the law before going to court. You must know your contract and how it is applied at your workplace before you can successfully handle grievances. In too many cases, stewards learn the provisions of the contract from management, and they learn it too late—after the grievance has been lost.

ost. In explaining the contract to members you may find that some parts of the contract are weak. We should explain clearly that these parts are weak because they were the best the union could get at the time. But if we all stick together and make the union stronger, we can improve the contract in the next negotiations.

Instead of fighting among ourselves and blaming the union for weak sections of the contract, we should realize that the boss, not the union, is responsible for our grievances, and that we must work together to make the union stronger if we want to get a better contract.

We should pick out the best parts of our contract and get every benefit out of them. If we do this we learn what improvements are needed in the next negotiations. We educate our membership to the benefits which come from united action and strengthen our union.

Most union contracts are renegotiated every three years, although some contracts run for only one year and others run for as long as six years. How long the contract runs is up to you and your negotiating committee.

The ILWU is a democratic union and members are involved in every step of the negotiation process. 

Before the old contract expires, the union members at your company will be asked for their input and ideas on what to change in the contract.

Choosing a bargaining committee 
This is usually done at a membership meeting, called by the officers of your Unit. This is one good reason why you should attend union meetings—it’s your chance to improve your union contract.

Your unit will also select a committee to represent them in negotiations with management. This committee is usually composed of your elected unit officers, but many units will expand the committee to make sure different parts of your unit are represented.

A hotel unit, for example, might select a committee with members from different departments such as housekeeping, food and beverage, maintenance, and front desk.

The Local or Division office will assign a full-time business agent or officer to work with your negotiating committee as your spokesperson.

During negotiations, unit members may be asked to support their committee by wearing union buttons, attending rallies, and mobilizing in other activities.

ILWU democracy in action 
When your committee thinks a fair settlement with management has been reached, they must get your vote of approval before the new contract can be finalized. This happens at a membership meeting where your committee will report on the settlement and where your unit members can vote to accept or reject the settlement.

This is another part of ILWU democracy which requires membership approval for all contract settlements. In rare cases, management may refuse to agree to a fair settlement and your committee may ask you to authorize a strike. Again, ILWU democracy requires membership approval for a strike.

Your union contract is a very important document. You should read the contract and be familiar with its terms. You can get a copy of your contract from your unit officers or Division Office.

ILWU members and their families march down Waianuenue Avenue in Hilo during the 1946 sugar strike.

To learn more about the 1946 sugar strike, read A Spark Is Struck! Jack Hall & the ILWU in Hawaii by Sanford Zalburg. The book is available for purchase at the Division office nearest you. You can also call the Local office at (808) 949-4161 for more information.