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• Promote compliance with fair labor and employment standards within the tourism industry. No government assistance and/or funds should be given to any entity (i.e., hotel or resort; hotel, condominium rental or timeshare operator, including multi-property operators; or owner of a property or resort) that is in violation of such labor or employment standards. 

• Support additional funding for tourism promotion with an emphasis on promoting neighbor island tourism.


• Support legislation, programs and funding to keep HC&S viable as the only sugar company remaining in operation in Hawaii. Such support shall include ensuring available water resources and allowing cane burning as the most viable method to harvest sugar cane. 

• Support legislation, programs and funding to keep the pineapple industry viable in Hawaii. 

• Support funding for promotion and protection of coffee, papaya, macadamia nuts, aquaculture, and other diversified agricultural products. Support diversified agriculture with financing for research and marketing, packing facilities, low-interest loan programs, etc. 

• Support agricultural water development and preservation, maintenance and repair of existing water systems to ensure availability of adequate water for farming and ranching.


• Support the working waterfront. Any waterfront development must ensure the continued safety and viability of the existing operations for manifested cargo in the Honolulu Harbor area and all other ports.

Improve and enlarge neighbor island port facilities for passenger ships. The State should move forward with construction of cruise ship facilities which are part of the Department of Transportation master plan. Oppose privatization of harbor facilities. Oppose state exchange of harbor area lands. Oppose establishment of an appointed Port Authority.

Hawaii industries 

• Mandate the State to purchase locally grown produce and locally manufactured products for use at Staterun facilities. Encourage contracting with local companies for goods and services, except where local companies do not have the required expertise, equipment or capacity. 

• Support “Buy Hawaii First” programs and encourage incentives for local manufacturing industries and retailers.

Promote labeling of products made in Hawaii.

Require proper labeling of frozen and thawed bread produced outside of Hawaii to inform the consumer and to promote fresh-baked Hawaii products. 

• Oppose the use of “prison labor” because it unfairly competes with the private sector.

New economic activity 

• Support necessary infrastructure to keep existing industries viable and encourage development of permanent “export” industries. Develop incentives to encourage new industries which result in a net increase in full-time jobs that pay a living wage and provide good benefits. 

• Support legislation to encourage development of new industries in Hawaii that will create more jobs. 

• Support legislation ensuring that state subsidies are spent wisely by requiring assessment of the cost-effectiveness of tax incentive programs. If promised outcomes are not delivered, subsidies should be refunded to the State. 

• Support authorization by Counties to decide on legalizing gaming.

Infrastructure, natural resources, and the environment


• Support continued protection of the Jones Act and the Passenger Service Act. 

• Continue to oppose deregulation of the trucking industry. Support PUC oversight and jurisdiction of trucking industry regulations. 

• Support alternative transportation solutions (i.e., rail, ferry, etc.) to ease traffic congestion. Support funding of fixed rail mass transit on Oahu. 

• Support improvements to State highways on all islands.

Land & water use 

• Support the jurisdiction of the State Land Use Commission. Support a comprehensive statewide program of land use regulation for agricultural districts. 

• Support the planning process in making land use decisions. Oppose “zoning by initiative.” General support for “lawmaking” through the legislative process. 

• Support higher standards to prevent flooding and appropriate funding to implement and enforce those standards. 

• Support the intent and purpose of the State Commission on Water Resource Management and necessary funding to protect and enhance Hawaii’s water resources, including in-stream and offstream uses. 

• Support public right-of-way/access to the ocean and mountains throughout the State. Perpetuate existing rights-of-way when private land changes ownership.


• Oppose the storage of high-level nuclear waste in the Pacific. Support clarification of problems connected with storage of nuclear weapons in certain areas of the State. 

• Support the State’s commitment to protect watersheds. Support public/ private partnerships to encourage private landowners to protect key resources on their lands, including watersheds.

• Support use of solar energy, such as for water heaters and photovoltaic, with reasonable tax credits. 

• Support promotion of new and existing alternative energy programs, including development of new sources of biomass. Support development of a Hawaii ethanol industry. 

• Support legislation to facilitate the use of renewable energy resources such as wind, geothermal, solar, biofuels, biomass, ocean thermal energy conversion, etc. and the infrastructure needed to sustain a statewide power grid.

Culture & lifestyle

Culture & the arts

• Support the establishment of a symphony orchestra in Hawaii. 

• Support culture, arts and performing arts programs that enhance the lives of the people of Hawaii.


• Support promotion and management of game birds and game animals on State land. Support maintenance of hunting areas statewide, especially where hunting is for family subsistence. 

• Support continued opportunities for fishing in Hawaii waters. Oppose permanent closures of areas from fishing by the public.

For health, social services and education priorities see page 6