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HONOLULU - Throughout the year, the Local holds training classes for rank-and-file stewards. These one-day training classes are attended by hundreds from all divisions. In the most recent series of classes on February 27 and March 9, 2017, rank-and-file members learned about their responsibilities as stewards, how to understand their union contract, and connect with their members to grow and strengthen the union.

-- continued on pages 4-5

There are many different industries in the ILWU. This is a beautiful thing. We’re not a union made up of only pipefitters or something. We have a broad variety of industries. This maximizes how much we can learn from each other and have strength in diversity,” said Business Agent Wil Chang. Pictured here are members from a range of industries (L-R: Charles Chung from Unit 4526 - Pacific Beach Hotel, Jaslyn Laurito from Unit 4405 - Foodland Super Markets, Corin Kekua from Unit 4406 - Honolulu Star-Advertiser, and Herman Perreira from Unit 4412 - Servco Pacific, Inc. work on “active listening.”

Maui Division recognition night honors outstanding units, members

WAILUKU -- Nobody puts Maui in the corner. Even with the closure of HC&S these past few months, Maui Division’s recognition night proved that the island will perpetuate its strong union roots.

On Wednesday March 15, 2017, over thirty members and pensioners gathered in the Wailuku hall for their monthly Division Executive Board meeting (DEB), and recognized the members and units that model a kind of leadership that we can all learn from.

“You would think unit stewards and unit officers were paid, considering how hard they work. But that’s far from the truth,” said Maui Division Director Steve Castro.

The rank-and-file members who step up and take leadership within the union do it for the good of all, not for individual recognition, although it is nice to be recognized at this event.

“I don’t do it to get thanks,” said Unit Bulletin editor winner Seini Dennis of Unit 2505 - Westin Maui. “You do it to stand up for what you believe in. I saw things with management I didn’t agree with, and wanted to take a stand for the working man and woman.”

L-R: Wesley Medeiros, Unit Chairman Michael Bunyard, Unit Treasurer Lourdes Rivera, Unit Editor Seini Dennis, Unit Secretary Alex Ajolo, Business Agent Steven Lee, Maui Division Director Steve Castro.

Need a copy of your union contract?
Changed your address?
Got married and changed your name?
Have a problem with your medical plan?
Questions about retirement?
Call the union!
Hawaii: (808) 935-3727
Maui: (808) 244-9191
Kauai: (808) 245-3374
Oahu: (808) 949-4161, ext. 4798
Hawaii Longshore: (808) 949-4161, ext.4799

The next Local 142 Executive
Board (LEB) meeting is
scheduled to start at 9 am on
June 16, 2017, in Honolulu at
the ILWU building on
451 Atkinson Drive.
ILWU members are welcome
to attend as observers.