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2018 is a big election year in Hawaii. Politics and unions have always gone hand in hand. Politicians could never get very far in elections without union endorsements. Union members provide invaluable support and manpower to the candidates’ campaigns, and not to mention contibute votes through our membership. With the upcoming election year, politicians have been appealing to ILWU members in hopes of the union’s favor.

ILWU Local 142 members going en masse to the State Capitol for Opening Day. The union itself is a democratic structure, and the Local brings members from every Division to this event annually to emphasize the check and balance of those in power and those who voted them into those positions.

HONOLULU — On Friday, August 25, 2017, Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa attended the Oahu Division Executive Board meeting. At the time of the meeting, Hanabusa did not reveal whether she would run for governor, but most people in attendance asked her questions assuming her run and how her leadership would change Hawaii for the better. “ILWU is the definitive labor union,” said Hanabusa. “The labor movement, ILWU movement and Democratic party in Hawaii are all synonymous. I will always fight for your vote because I don’t take anyone’s sacrifice for granted.” Hanabusa also answered questions about rail, the current presidential regime, and the vision she has for the State of Hawaii and how she came back from her loss in the 2014 election.

WAILUKU — State Representative Joe Souki addresses the Maui Division Executive Board meeting on Wednesday, September 20, 2017 (photo by Kelly Ruidas).

HONOLULU — August 27, 2017 Senator Mazie Hirono and Local President Donna Domingo at Pacifc Beach Hotel. Hirono reflected on her birth in her native Japan and Trump’s racist immigration rulings.

HONOLULU — On Friday, July 28, 2017, Governor David Ige attended the Oahu Division Executive Board meeting for Political Action Night along with Senator Jill Tokuda (Labor Chair). Alan AhYo from Unit 4526 Pacific Beach Hotel asked Ige what would be the hardest thing to deal with in 2018, and Ige answered that education is always the hardest to deal with in Hawaii.

Labor Committee Chair Senator Jill Tokuda talked about her family’s union history. Her father was a mason and her mother worked for HGEA. Pictured here are the pensioners inviting her to their bingo day that happens monthly.