3 more increments in
A total of 350 homes were build in Kulaim ano. All along the projects were under the guidance and approval of the Unit Executive Board, with Gilbert De Motta as the chairman.
There were em ployees who were not interested in home ownership but faced the closure of the camp they were living in. So, the Unit Executive Board pursued and was successful in developing an apartment complex build on land provided by the company. This complex is in Kulaimano as well.
A total of 350 homes were build in Kulaim ano. All along the projects were under the guidance and approval of the Unit Executive Board, with Gilbert De Motta as the chairman.
There were em ployees who were not interested in home ownership but faced the closure of the camp they were living in. So, the Unit Executive Board pursued and was successful in developing an apartment complex build on land provided by the company. This complex is in Kulaimano as well.
outskirts of the town of Hilo. A total of
30 homes were built.
Employee housing provided by the company was becoming an issue. Having recognized closures of employee hous ing, in 1976, Local 142 held a Statewide Housing Conference to address this problem and adopted the Local Housing Program Recommendations. One of the recommendations was that “A Local 142 Housing Committee be formed, with representatives from each Division”. Leonard Hoshijo was appointed to over see the Local 142 Housing Committee. Gilbert was designated as the Hawaii Division representative.
Employee housing provided by the company was becoming an issue. Having recognized closures of employee hous ing, in 1976, Local 142 held a Statewide Housing Conference to address this problem and adopted the Local Housing Program Recommendations. One of the recommendations was that “A Local 142 Housing Committee be formed, with representatives from each Division”. Leonard Hoshijo was appointed to over see the Local 142 Housing Committee. Gilbert was designated as the Hawaii Division representative.
The location selected was in Kulaimano
located in Pepeekeo on the Big Island, 8
miles north of Hilo town.
The Unit Executive Board, chaired by Shige Nakatani, formed a Housing Committee to start the process. They had to start from the ground up as they had no experience to guide them. Gilbert DeMotta was appointed as the chair of the Unit Housing Committee. I was later appointed as the Vice Chair.
The Unit Executive Board, chaired by Shige Nakatani, formed a Housing Committee to start the process. They had to start from the ground up as they had no experience to guide them. Gilbert DeMotta was appointed as the chair of the Unit Housing Committee. I was later appointed as the Vice Chair.
line. The homeowners agreed that the
homes should not be the same color, so
they plotted alternating light and dark
The intent of the housing program is to serve the needs of the employees who would eventually have the employee housing eliminated. To prevent employ ees purchasing a home with the intent of selling it later, the union agreed to have a buy back clause be a part of the agreement. It would be available to the employees on the alternate list.
The intent of the housing program is to serve the needs of the employees who would eventually have the employee housing eliminated. To prevent employ ees purchasing a home with the intent of selling it later, the union agreed to have a buy back clause be a part of the agreement. It would be available to the employees on the alternate list.
Along the way, Hilo Sugar Com
pany merged with Pepeekeo Sugar
Company and the Unit became 1104.
Faced with camp closures as well,
and having the employees showing
interest in homeownership, the Unit
Executive Board worked with the
company to develop a subdivision
The ILWU’s work and accomplish
ments were recognized in the County and
Gilbert became a founding director of the
Hawaii Island Community Development
Corporation. The Corporation, during his
tenure, developed 284 self-help owner/
builder homes and 203 rental units for
low-income seniors.
November 20. 2019 was named as “Gil
bert DeMotta Day” by Mayor Harry Kim
and had the Waikoloa Gardens named as
“Gilbert DeMotta Waikoloa Gardens”.
Gilbert passed away December 20, 2021.
The company developed and subdivid
ed the land. Streets were paved, water
lines and power lines were installed.
The committee established a system to
determine eligibility and the pecking
order to select their parcel. The union
agreed to allow non-bargaining unit
employees to qualify. The employees
who were successful in getting a parcel
formed a subcommittee. The task of
the subcommittee, chaired by Gilbert,
was to decide how to help the potential
homeowners build an affordable home.
Building as a group or collective bar gaining as we know it, was the way to negotiate the lowest cost, in comparison to having each person build on their own. Cheaper by the dozen.
The committee had to decide what kind of house plan the homeowners wanted to build. They visited builders, such as Hicks Homes and material suppliers, such as HPM. The committee met with several home building contractors. The homeowners decided on the house plan and selected the contractor. They allowed homeowners to submit their own house plan or made changes to the original plan or build on their own.
The homeowners did not want to have the homes look like barracks lined up in a row. So, they had the drafting department plot the homes on the subdi vision map so the homes were staggered. The garage was plotted to alternatively be on the left or the right side of the house. Two different room lines were negotiated with the contractor, hip or gable roof. The homeowner had the choice of roof
Building as a group or collective bar gaining as we know it, was the way to negotiate the lowest cost, in comparison to having each person build on their own. Cheaper by the dozen.
The committee had to decide what kind of house plan the homeowners wanted to build. They visited builders, such as Hicks Homes and material suppliers, such as HPM. The committee met with several home building contractors. The homeowners decided on the house plan and selected the contractor. They allowed homeowners to submit their own house plan or made changes to the original plan or build on their own.
The homeowners did not want to have the homes look like barracks lined up in a row. So, they had the drafting department plot the homes on the subdi vision map so the homes were staggered. The garage was plotted to alternatively be on the left or the right side of the house. Two different room lines were negotiated with the contractor, hip or gable roof. The homeowner had the choice of roof
The committee also shopped for ap
pliances, furniture and drapery. Offering
the group as the customer.
Financing was a major obstacle. Several financial institutions were approached. The manager of Hawaii National Bank suggested that the com mittee should look into the Farmers Home Loan available through the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. They provided a long term loan at low interest rates. It was a life saver.
The project was successful because the committee used its collective bar gaining skills to help the members. The committee concept to serve the wants and needs of the homeowners is what the union does. This also helps to avoid self-dealing by any one person using his or her position to serve his or her needs. We encountered that situation while looking for a home building supplier. Gilbert and I were offered an all-ex pense trip, paid by the home building company, to visit their factory in the US mainland, where they put together track home kits. I was excited to accept the offer. To my surprise, Gilbert declined the offer. Gilbert told them, put the cost of the trip into reducing the cost of their proposal.
After the first increment was filled and the employees recognized the success and value of homeownership, more employees showed interest in par ticipating, so the company developed
Financing was a major obstacle. Several financial institutions were approached. The manager of Hawaii National Bank suggested that the com mittee should look into the Farmers Home Loan available through the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. They provided a long term loan at low interest rates. It was a life saver.
The project was successful because the committee used its collective bar gaining skills to help the members. The committee concept to serve the wants and needs of the homeowners is what the union does. This also helps to avoid self-dealing by any one person using his or her position to serve his or her needs. We encountered that situation while looking for a home building supplier. Gilbert and I were offered an all-ex pense trip, paid by the home building company, to visit their factory in the US mainland, where they put together track home kits. I was excited to accept the offer. To my surprise, Gilbert declined the offer. Gilbert told them, put the cost of the trip into reducing the cost of their proposal.
After the first increment was filled and the employees recognized the success and value of homeownership, more employees showed interest in par ticipating, so the company developed