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Key races to note...

24 of the candidates* endorsed by the ILWU won their elections in the Primary in August, so their names will not appear on the General Election ballot.

Others in key races, however, such as Mitch Roth running for mayor on the Big Island and Rick Blangiardi running for mayor on Oahu, still need our support!

Wins for our endorsed candidates’ matter; the people in office make the decisions that directly affect our lives.

* see column at left for the endorsed candidates who won their election outright

Husband and wife duo Irene and Lloyd Matsubara from Unit 1517 Hilton Waikoloa Village showed up with their fellow workers to suppport Mitch Roth in sign waving, with the candidate himself.


Jeofrey Baltero Unit Chair of Unit 2509 Four Seasons Resort on Lanai putting up signs of endorsed candidates around his house. Members like Jeofrey know the importance of PAC and engage their whole family, making sure they are registered to vote.


Rick Blangiardi pictured at center at the ILWU Hall in Honolulu with Oahu Business Agents Paris Fernandez and Jose Miramontes (front). Back Business Agents Dural Duenas and Corin Kekua.