Make your vote count for working families! Support your union’s recommendations in the General Elections this November 4, 2008. ILWU members and families are urged to vote for those candidates listed below. Cut out these lists and keep them in your wallet as a reminder when you vote.
Your Political Action Committee made these recommendations after interviewing the candidates, studying their voting records, and asking them if they would support issues important to working families. Some of these issues included support for workers compensation and the right of workers to unionize.

More reasons to vote NO on a Constitutional Convention
• Most of the public have nothing new to propose or change in our State’s Constitution. This says the Constitution is working as it should and there is no need for major changes.
• A Constitutional Convention would be a waste of time and money. We would have to elect delegates; it would take months of meetings; delegates would have to be paid for their time; and the delegates would have to be educated about the issues. It could costs $10-20 million or more.
• A small minority of people do want to make changes to the Constitution, but some of these are special interests which could threaten Hawaiian rights, civil rights, and workers’ rights.
• The Legislature can always propose amendments to the Constitution which would be on the ballot for voter approval. This would allow for more discussion, debate, and an informed decision.
Other ILWU endorsed candidates
The ILWU Local 142 Political Action Committee endorsed the following candidates who will not appear on the General Election ballot. They are (Senate): Josh Green, Clarence Nishihara, Robert Bunda, and Mike Gabbard; (House): Jerry Chang, Clifton Tsuji, Bob Herkes, Joe Souki, Mele Carroll, Hermina Morita, James Tokioka, Roland Sagum, Lyla Berg, Scott Nishimoto, Scott Saiki, Della Belatti, Sylvia Luke, Karl Rhoads, John Mizuno, Glenn Wakai, Blake Oshiro, K. Mark Takai, Ryan Yamane, Marcus Oshiro, Ken Ito, and Pono Chong.