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Harriet Bouslog Labor Scholarship looking for applicants!

The following is from Leah Bernstein, Director of Harriet Bouslog Labor Scholarship.

The fall 2017 semester was a milestone year for the Harriet Bouslog Labor Scholarship Fund (HBLSF) as it marked the first time HBLSF enjoyed a full complement of 40 students in the program!

All of these students have parents, grandparents, great grandparents and/or close `ohana who are current or retired ILWU 142 members.

Celebrating scholarship recipients 
Many of our students and their `ohana were able to celebrate the beginning of the semester and Labor Day with HBLSF at the annual HBLSF Open House luncheon at the historic Harriet Bouslog Building located at 63 Merchant Street in Downtown Honolulu.

As 2017 comes to an end, we are hoping for more students to help and an even larger crowd at the 2018 Open House.

Who can apply 
HBLSF gives a preference to the children and grandchildren of active and retired Local 142 members and a special preference to high school seniors.

We also accept applications from students transferring from other schools in Hawaii or on the mainland to UH as well.

Application period is open 
Applications are accepted year-round and notifications of scholarship awards are given by May 1st of each year for the following fall semester.

An application form can be found at harrietbouslog. com with instructions on other requirements such as an essay and an oral history video with an ILWU Local 142 member.

HBLSF provides a maximum of ten new scholarships each year. Students who are awarded a scholarship can receive up to eight semesters of undergraduate tuition support as long as they remain a full-time student making satisfactory academic progress.

Upon graduation, an HBLSF Scholar can continue to receive tuition support if they go to any of the graduate schools within the UH system.

The HBLSF Scholarship helps your student family members to complete their education without the financial burden that follow so many after graduation.

Front and center is 2017 HBLSF awardee Kaylen Samson pictured with her family and friends. Kaylen’s great grandfather Angel Samson was an ILWU member in the pineapple industry. Mark Bernstein, President of the Harriet Bouslog Labor Scholarship Fund is pictured in the back center.