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Candidate for Business Agent
Elmer C. Gorospe

My brothers and sisters of Local 142, my name is Elmer Gorospe from Mauna Loa Mac Nut Unit 1402. I was born in San Juan Ilocos Sur, Philippines and raised on the Big Island since the age of four. I am the second to the youngest from a family of eight, Hilo High School graduate, class of 1992. I am seeking the position as a business agent. I feel that I can contribute to this division and help the working people. I am an active member since 1994 in good standing. Working at Mauna Loa Mac
Nut, I worked in multiple positions as a machine operator, ground maintenance, water disinfectant operator, power plant operator, and building maintenance. Throughout the years I got more involved with the union and participated in grievances, sit in the negotiation committee and served as unit treasure. Brothers and Sisters, I humbly ask for your support in electing me in office. I will work hard and do my best to represent in all fairness to the unit, division, and our organization.


Candidate for Business Agent
Wallace A. Ishibashi Jr.

I, Wallace A. Ishibashi Jr., thank you for the opportunity to have served you as your business agent. 

We read the newspaper everyday, we see what we are against. We are part of a global economy and must be involved and aware of everything that affects us here. Government has turned its back on the workforce and imposed laws and policies that would weaken our existence. Without the proper government officials in place, and without you participating in the process, all would be lost.

We must continue to build unity and not divide our ranks. We must build our strength and education is the key. Coalitions with all labor is a must. We must stand as one force with all workers. We invite all workers to learn your rights and organize around a banner that you’1l know be there for you. . .ILWU.

It is not enough to aim; you must hit and focus on the objective. Decide what you want and decide what you are willing to exchange for it. Establish your priorities. PARTICIPATION is the key. Get involved.

We cannot always build the future for our youth, but together we can build our youth for the future.


Candidate for Business Agent
Roy “RJ” P. Jardine

Roy P. Jardine is from the longshore industry on leave from Hawaii Stevedores while serving the membership as a business
agent. He was hired as a longshoreman in 1984. He has served as shop steward, unit vice-chair and a business agent since 1989. Prior to becoming an ILWU member in 1984 he worked for Pan Am for 18 years where he was a member, steward and officer of the Transport Workers Union. Roy has been a union member for over 37 years.

The mission is as it was in the beginning. To continue to provide our members with service levels that truly reflects the ILWU’s philosophy of each and every members importance to the organization. We need to continue to stress the importance of solidarity in these difficult times.

I humbly request your support in the upcoming local elections.


Candidate for Business Agent
Richard Kaniho

I’m Richard Kaniho from the Big Island. I’ve been a rank and file member since 1998 and currently I am employed by the Mauna Lani Bay Hotel and Bungalows. At MLBH, I have served as shop steward, grievance chair, negotiations chair, unit chair, have sat in the statewide hotel caucas after 9-11 and was chairperson for mid-term negotiations prior to being elected as temporary Business Agent by the Hawaii Division. I’ve been serving as a B.A. since June 2003.

My upbringing in a ranching family taught me the values of hardwork and humility. They are the same code of ethics my beautiful wife June and I share in raising our two sons, Brooks and Luke. Those values are also the basis for what I will do for you and this organization to uphold our great constitution.

Brothers and sisters, my mission is to insure that the rights of every rank and file member are not overlooked. I PROUDLY look forward to serving you as your Business Agent this next term.

Me Ke Aloha,
Richard K. Kaniho

Hawaii Division Trustee

Candidate for Division Trustee
Lloyd N. Matsubara

Vote! Lloyd N. Matsubara for Hawaii Division Trustees.

Born: in Honomu, Hawaii, a son of a plantation worker, Parents, George Matsubara and Sogako Matsubara, retired from Hilo Coast Processing Co. was an ILWU member.

I’m a member in good standing of the ILWU for 18 years and served as Treasurer for the last 10 years. 

GOALS: Making sure that as a Trustee, I will uphold the duties of the office, making sure and reviewing all unit finance policies for consistency with the Local Constitution and Bylaws and Local Finance Polices. Trustees are to authorize to establish guidelines for unit finance policies. I will make sure no units may expend monies in a way which contradicts
the Constitution, policies and programs of ILWU Local 142 or which may adversely impact other units and/or members of the Local.

Being a Treasurer for the last 10 years has given me insight on how policy works, and how we can improve the consistency of policies. As a Trustee I shall submit a detailed report to the Division Executive Board following the quarterly financial review.

ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Improved wages, benefits and better working conditions as a contract negotiator for Unit 1517 Hilton Waikoloa Village Hotel.


Candidate for Division Trustee
Mary “Swanee” Rillanos

My name is Mary “Swanee” Rillanos and I am a 29-year ILWU member employed at the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel as a Bell Desk Expediter. Due to a vacancy, I was appointed to the position of Hawaii Division Trustee in March 2002.

For the past 12 years I have held the position of Secretary-Treasurer for my unit. The duties of the Secretary are to make sure all minutes and records are kept in good order. Also as the Treasurer, I am responsible for all financial records, bank accounts and that policies are upheld. I must make sure that all vouchers and invoices are properly signed for payment through the Local Centralized system. Each month at our Unit Executive Board Meeting, a financial report is given and at the end of each year the unit’s expenditures are audited.

I am currently holding the position of Division Trustee and want to continue to serve and work hard for each and everyone of you. I want to make sure the union’s finances are run and being disbursed according to the budget, which was approved at the Local Convention.


For a list of Hawaii Division candidates by race see page 10