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More than 150 pensioners assembled in Pahala on August 24 to celebrate Labor Day. Some came by bus from as far away as Hakalau while others drove from neighboring Naalehu, but all came to have a good time with other ILWU pensioners and friends.

The event was hosted by the Pahala ILWU Pensioner Club and chaired by club president Clyde Silva with assistance from Francine Molina, Division Pensioner Coordinator. Funding was provided by the Local and the ILWU Memorial Association.

The program included speeches from Local Vice President Teddy Espeleta, Hawaii Division Director Elmer Gorospe, and Local Social Services Coordinator Joanne Kealoha. Margaret Cabudol, advisor for the Pahala club, read a message from Fred Galdones, president of the Hawaii Division Pensioner Council, who was out of state. Entertainment was provided by representatives from various pensioner clubs, who danced and sang. The Pahala club even did a little dance about sorting macadamia nuts. The featured band was a group of Kau retirees who entertained the group throughout the day.

There was plenty of food, including an array of desserts entered in the dessert contest. The winners (all women!) were Trinidad Aderinto of Pahala in first place for her macadamia pineapple delight, Flo Soares of Papaikou in second place for her lemon meringue pie, and Rosita Tungpalan of Pahala for her purple potato haupia pie.

In Hawaii Division tradition, awards were given to the oldest male (Kenneth Ito of Pahala, age 96), the oldest female (Ah Han Silva of Pahala, age 98), and the longest married couple (Aiko and Takamari Fukunaga of Pahala, 69 years). Longevity must be a hallmark of living in Pahala. For the first time, awards were also given to Hawaii Division pensioners celebrate Labor Day in Pahala More than 150 pensioners assembled in Pahala on August 24 to celebrate Labor Day. Some came by bus from as far away as Hakalau while others drove from neighboring Naalehu, but all came to have a good time with other ILWU pensioners and friends. the youngest male (Clyde Silva, age 60) and the youngest female (Clara Carvalho, age 56), showing that retirees and community members of any age are welcome to join ILWU pensioner clubs.

Door prizes rounded out the day’s festivities, which brought friends together from many of the former sugar communities on the island to enjoy food, fellowship, entertainment, and laughter. Many thanks to the Pahala pensioner club and the Hawaii Division staff for their efforts to put on an enjoyable event for all.

Pahala pensioner club members who hosted the event included (l-r) Warren Toriano, Pauline Enriques, Emi Peralta, Margaret Ann Cabudol, Mary Peralta, and Laurie Obra.

Many Kau pensioner club members participated in the Labor Day event.

Pepeekeo pensioner club members entertained the group with songs, while others pensioners joined in to dance.