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Can you spare a few hours this week? 
The September 23 Primary Election is only a few weeks away and we need to elect candidates who will work in the best interest of working families.

There’s a lot to do and we need your help. 
Would you be willing to pass out voter reminder cards to members in your unit? Hold signs before or after work? Come to the union hall to stuff envelopes? Make phone calls to members? Spend a few hours on the weekend walking house to house? Help drive people to the polls or remind them to vote on election day?

Help support your union’s Political Action Program. 
If you can volunteer some time, please call your Business Agent, the Division Office, or talk to your unit officers. Or you can make a donation to the ILWU Political Action Fund.

Get rewards

Participate in the Union Rewards. 
All ILWU active members, pensioners and their families who participate in political action activities receive entry forms for prize drawings that will take place after the November General Election. Call your Division PAC Coordinators at the number(s) below for details on how you help out with political action and have a chance to receive rewards, too.

Your vote counts and your help can make the difference in the upcoming election. 
Don’t forget to vote—either by absentee ballot or at the polls on Saturday, September 23, 2006. If you would like a voter registration form, absentee ballot application or need help getting to the polls, call your union office today!

Hawaii ILWU—935-3727 Maui ILWU—244-9191
Kauai ILWU—245-3374 Oahu ILWU—949-4161


Maui Division pensioners with endorsed candidate Senator Shan Tsutsui.