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(Top) Oahu Division Director Mike Yamaguchi with endorsed gubernatorial candidate David Ige. (Above) Local Political Action Committee members with U.S. Representative District I candidate Mark Takai. (Sitting, l-r) Sec.- Treas. Guy Fujimura, Takai, President Donna Domingo. (Second row) Hawaii Division Director Elmer Gorospe, Vice President Teddy Espeleta, Maui Division Director Steve Castro, Oahu Business Agents Wilfred Chang, Jr. and Jose Miramontes, Oahu Division Director Mike Yamaguchi. (Third row) Oahu Business Agent Dillon Hullinger, Hawaii PAC Chair Frankie Pang, Kauai Division Director Michael Machado, retired Maui Division Director Willie Kennison, retired Kauai Business Agent Jesus Guirao, and Maui PAC Chair Jason Medeiros.

HONOLULU—On August 18, 2014 ILWU Local 142 Political Action Committee (PAC) members voted unanimously to endorse primary election winner David Ige for Governor of the State of Hawaii.

Ige, who won the election by a surprising 2-to-1 margin, contacted ILWU President Donna Domingo after the primary was over and asked to meet with the union’s leadership. He met with the PAC committee for over an hour, listening to the ILWU’s questions about Hurricane Iselle’s impact on access to voting, GMO foods, inter-state transportation, and other issues that are of concern to ILWU members.

“The ILWU thanks Neil Abercombie for his support of labor during his decades of public service, but we now ask that members support the Democratic candidate for governor, David Ige,” said President Donna Domingo. “David is sympathetic to the needs of union families, and has reached out to the ILWU, pledging to work with us.”

The PAC also reaffirmed its support for Shan Tsutsui for Lt. Governor.

U.S. Senate race 
Balloting was held in Puna on August 15—six days after the primary election— where two polling places had been shut down because of Hurricane Iselle. When the voting was over, Brian Schatz was declared the Democratic primary winner.

“Colleen expressed her wish to have closure on the primary, so that the people of Hawaii can move forward and elect Democratic candidates in November who will best serve working people. We will follow her advice and work together with our members and allies to make sure that the U.S. Senate retains its Democratic majority and that David Ige is our next Governor,” said Secretary-Treasurer Guy Fujimura. ILWU members are urged to vote for Senator Schatz in the Senate race.

The ILWU PAC also declared support for Mark Takai, the Democratic primary winner in U.S. Representative District I.

See page 8 for more information on the upcoming general election and a complete list of ILWU endorsements. You may also visit: or

Statewide pensioner conference is a hit

The ILWU values its pensioners. They are the pioneers who helped build this union. They fought and sacrificed so that future generations could enjoy job security and good contracts. They remain loyal to ILWU principles and programs.

27th Biennial State Conference 
The ILWU State Pensioners Association has been in existence for more than 50 years in various forms. Every two years, rotating among the islands, the Association holds a conference to bring pensioners together to renew old friendship and establish new ones. This year’s conference was held June 3-5 on Kauai and was attended by almost 100 pensioners representing 19 ILWU pensioner clubs statewide.

Funding for the conference is provided by the ILWU Memorial Association (M.A.), whose mission is to provide support to the ILWU and its retirees. The M.A. pays for two delegates from each club to attend the conference and for miscellaneous expenses to ensure a successful conference.

Many pensioners liken their conference to the Local Convention. They hear from endorsed candidates (conferences are always held on election years) and others offering inspiration and information. They take positions on issues by adopting resolutions. They even debate among themselves in their deliberations.

This year, the conference welcomed elected officials from Kauai to speak— Mayor Bernard Carvalho, Senator Ron Kouchi, Representatives Dee Morikawa and Derek Kawakami—as well as Lt. Governor Shan Tsutsui. In addition, conference participants heard from Local President Donna Domingo and Local Secretary-Treasurer Guy Fujimura.

—continued on page 2