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Resolutions highlight where we have been and where we are heading as a union. The topics speak to the kind of values we aim to embody as working men and women within the Union. Here are brief summaries of the resolutions that were passed at this year’s Local Convention.

R-1 Resolution Supporting the Ah Quon McElrath Documentary Project 
Supports the Ah Quon (“AQ”) McElrath Documentary Project, which is an effort by the University of Hawaii at West Oahu’s Center for Labor Education and Research (CLEAR) to memorialize AQ’s contributions to the labor community, and calls upon ILWU leadership, members, staff and pensioners to contribute to this worthy project. 

R-2 Resolution to Reaffirm the International ILWU Convention Policies 
Reaffirms those policies adopted by the 37th International Convention of the ILWU as correct and proper for guiding and building our Union through the coming years and pledges support to work toward the goals expressed in these policies and resolutions. 

R-3 Resolution in Support of the United Way and Labor’s Community Services Program 
Offers Local 142’s continued support to the United Way organizations on all islands to raise funds for nonprofit agencies that provide needed services to the community and that ILWU members, staff, and fulltime officers are encouraged to contribute to the United Way and the Hawaii Employees Lifeline Program. 

R-4 Resolution in Support of ILWU Political Action 
Reaffirms Local 142’s commitment to register voters, work on behalf of ILWU-endorsed candidates, and get out the vote in 2018 and 2020. 

R-5 Resolution of “Aloha” to Closed Units 
Honors the members of companies that closed for their commitment and loyalty to the ILWU and extends a warm aloha and hope that they will someday join the ILWU again.

R-6 Resolution on the Retirement of Stephen Castro 
Recognizes the efforts and guidance of Stephen Castro, Sr. for almost four decades; congratulates Steve on his retirement that started in June 2018; and extends our warmest aloha for his continued happiness and good health, and gratitude to his family. 

R-7 Resolution to Welcome New Members to the ILWU 
Welcomes new members and affirms our commitment to spread the benefits of unionism to all unorganized workers. 

R-9 Resolution Supporting the Jones Act|
Reaffirms strong support of the Jones Act and its commitment to continue to oppose any proposed anti-Jones Act legislation or any other attempt to weaken the Act. 

R-10 Resolution Opposing a Constitutional Convention 
Urges all members, officers, staff and their families to vote “no” to a constitutional convention in the General Election. 

R-11 Resolution in Support of ILWU VEBA Trust 
Supports the ILWU VEBA Trust and encourages units to continue their participation and consider increasing monthly contributions for members; and encourages members of participating units to consider increasing their contributions with Supplemental Contributions payable directly to the ILWU VEBA Trust. 

R-12 Resolution to Reaffirming our Commitment to Organize the Unorganized 
Reaffirms commitment to organizing the unorganized by committing the resources necessary to attract and recruit new members and to negotiate fair and equitable contracts; to organize strategically to increase union density and our bargaining power; and recognizes that members and their families are one of our most valuable organizing resources and thus will seek to develop more member organizer-activists to participate in building their union.

Abeleen Lau from Unit 4415 Diamond Head Memorial Park and Dural Duenas from Unit 4412 Servco Pacific ready to work.

R-13 Resolution in Opposing the Right-to-Work Movement
Urges all delegates to go back to their units and educate their members of the dangers of “right-to-work” locally and nationally, and oppose candidates who support anti-labor legislation, such as so-called “right-to-work” legislation.

R-14 Resolution on Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company (HC&S) 
Honors and celebrates the legacy of all ILWU members, past and present, and their Union, who fought for a better life and recognizes those ILWU members at HC&S who embodied and lived this legacy; and affirms our commitment to carry on the traditions and lessons of unionism learned from the HC&S members into the future. 

R-15 Resolution to Support ILWU Local 142 Products and Union Services 
Commits Local 142 members to make a conscious effort to buy union products and support unionized businesses whenever possible. 

R-16 Resolution to Support Hotel Workers and the Tourism Industry (as amended)
Encourages members to support ILWU brothers and sisters by patronizing ILWU hotels and resorts; and commits to grow our membership in the tourism industry and support our members in their struggle for dignity and good contracts. 

R-17 Resolution in Support of Our Public Union Brothers and Sisters
 Affirms its unwavering support for our public-sector union brothers and sisters, both in the ILWU and in other unions, across the United States; to educate, train, and mobilize ILWU members and leaders to resist the effects of the Janus decision; and to continue to work with legislators, community allies and other unions to mitigate the effect of the Janus decision in Hawaii. 

R-18 Resolution on the Retirement of Guy Fujimura
 Expresses its sincere gratitude to Guy Fujimura for his decades of leadership and dedication to the Local and its members; and that the members, full-time officers, and staff of ILWU Local 142 wishes Guy the very best in retirement.

Local Secretary-Treasurer Guy Fujimura has held this role since 1985. His retirement marks the end of an era and the delegation honored him with lei for his service and leadership.

R-19 Resolution on the Retirement of Joanne Kealoha
 Extends its sincere appreciation and aloha to Joanne H. Kealoha for her thirty years of extraordinary service to the ILWU Local 142; wishes Joanne all the best upon her well-deserved retirement; and confers upon Joanne Kealoha the status and title of Lifetime Honorary Member of ILWU Local 142. 

R-20 Resolution on the Retirement of Eadie Omonaka
 Extends its sincere appreciation to Eadie Omonaka for over 25 years of diligent service and commitment to the ILWU Local 142; wishes Eadie the very best upon her well-deserved retirement and thanks her for her continuing service to the ILWU ohana; and confers upon Eadie Omonaka the status and title of Lifetime Honorary Member of ILWU Local 142.

Michael Victorino, Jr. from Unit 2201 Young Brothers sharing his views in a productive evening workshop.