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Division Directors Richard Baker and Michael Machado led a discussion at the Tourism Caucus on September 27- 28, 2010 on mobilizing members and preparing for negotiations.

In an earlier session, Division Directors William Kennison and Dave Mori talked about how the union should never give the company any concessions without getting something in return.

Each unit then worked separately on plans to form separate negotiating and mobilizing committees and to recruit stewards from all major departments.

Unit leaders then shared their ideas with the entire group and offered practical tips and advice based on their experience.

Keep members informed 
Hawaii Division Director Richard Baker, Jr. talked about the old days of sugar negotiations. “We used to go into negotiations thinking everything had to be kept secret,” said Richard. “Now we realize that members need to be kept informed and involved.”

Jason Medeiros from the Grand Wailea Resort talked about the power of unity. “With one person, the boss will dictate. With the unit behind you, the boss will negotiate.”

Jason promised himself that what happened when KSL bought the Grand Wailea in December 1998 would never happen again. At first, KSL wanted every worker to reapply for their jobs, but when 1,200 workers stood united with the ILWU, KSL agreed to negotiate with the union and rehire the workers.

Kehau Oyamot-Maeha from the Ohana Honolulu Airport Hotel has already started to get everyone involved and mobilized. Their contract expires on Dec. 31, 2010. Swanee Rillanos from the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel talked about how they reopened their contract to get into ILWU Health and Welfare Trust Fund.

James Moeller from the Hapuna Prince Resort talked about the importance of having a network of people who can serve as the “eyes and ears” for the union. “Take advantage of people who can get the word out to everyone. Have a network of contacts and ask what is happening in each department.”

Star Medeiros from the Westin Maui reminded everyone that one-on-one and building a network are not new ideas. “These have been part of this union since day one,” said Star. “We just need to get back to basics.”

Division Directors Michael Machado (seated) and Richard Baker (standing) led a discussion at the Tourism Caucus on mobilizing members to prepare for negotiations.

Royal Lahaina Resort will be negotiating a contract this year. Unit officers are Stephanie Smythe, Charil Jose, Cora Castillo, Imelda Dela Cruz, and Camila Lanse.

Blaming the union 
Star talked about a problem with people who lose grievances, or who have a problem which cannot be solved by the union or grievance procedure. They go home and complain that the union does nothing for them and the word gets around.

Hanalei Peters from the Kaanapali Beach Hotel had a solution for this problem. “Don’t let them leave pissed off when you lose the grievance. I make it a point to go out to the parking lot with them and talk about what happened. I bring their folder out and point out that they were tardy 10 times in the last 6 months. I explain the union cannot perform miracles. The main thing is they get it off their chest, and they leave without blaming the union.”

In closing the caucus, Local 142 President Isaac Fiesta, Jr. told the tourism leadership that if the financial situation continues to improve, the union will likely call another tourism caucus in 2011.