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Vote for union-endorsed candidates via mail or at voting centers starting in October!

Make your vote count for working families. Read on for more information on how to vote and our endorsed candidates.

Your union Political Action Committee made these recommendations after taking a candidate poll with ILWU Local 142 members. Based on the poll, the PAC then interviews the candidates and studies their voting records to ensure their values would make them inclined to make decisions that keep the working people in mind.

Vote by mail 
Just like the primary in August, this election will be conducted by mail.

If you are not registered to vote by October 5, you will not receive a ballot in the mail. To check if you are registered or not, or for more information, visit elections.hawaii. gov.

If you are not registered by October 5, you can still vote in the General Election via voting centers (see right side of page).

Key dates and timelines 
Even though the General Election date is listed as November 3, you can vote as early as October 16, when mail ballots are expected to hit homes, or October 20, when voter service centers open.

If mailing your ballot, they must be received by November 3 at 7 pm. To ensure your vote is counted in time, we advise you to mail your ballot at least five days prior to November 3 just to be safe.

If you want to turn in your completed mail ballot directly at a service center and not rely on the mail, that works just as well.

ILWU Local 142 members help Hawaii’s communities when they vote for worker-friendly candidates. Don’t forget to vote on or by November 3!