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Policies Adopted by the 34th Convention—continued from page 7

the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court.

Labor History and Education
 P-3 Labor Education - calls on the ILWU to introduce and encourage federal legislation requiring labor education in history and social studies for all public schools at all grade levels and for the ILWU to assist in the development of these educational programs, materials, and resources.

R-16 75th Anniversary General Strike Commemoration Events - calls on the ILWU to endorse and support ILWU Local 10, Local 34, and Laborfest activities commemorating the 75th Anniversary of the General Strike. Some of the events planned include educational conferences and the re-enactment of the July 5, 1934 funeral procession of workers killed during the strike.

R-17 Preserving 113 Steuart Street in San Francisco, which was the 1933 to 1935 headquarters of the ILA Local 38-79 which is now ILWU Local 10 - calls for 113 Steuart Street to become a landmarked labor history museum and labor education and training center.

R-21 Celebrate 60th Anniversary of 1949 Longshore Strike - celebrates the 60th anniversary of the 1949 strike and the accomplishments of the Hawaii longshore grouping over the last 60 years.

R-23 Reaffirm the Principles of Rank and File Unionism - we need to insure that the principles of ILWU rank and file unionism continue to guide our union; and urges the International and all ILWU locals to develop programs to educate our members and train future leaders in the principles of ILWU rank and file unionism.

R-34 Supports the University of Washington Labor Archives - supports the efforts of the Washington State Labor community to expand and develop the labor archives of the University of Washington and request ILWU locals to make financial contributions to the archives.

Tribute to Leaders 
R-22 Salute Achievements of Hawaii ILWU Hotel Workers - recognizes the accomplishment of Local 142 hotel units and their unit officers in improving the lives of thousands of hotel members.

R-24 In Memory of Ah Quon McElrath - honors the life of Ah Quon McElrath, labor icon and social advocate; reaffirms the ILWU’s commitment as a progressive union that organizes the unorganized, fights for social justice, and promotes solidarity; and urges locals and members to contribute to the Ah Quon McElrath Fund for Economic and Social Justice.operating.

R-37 Recognizes the contribution of Jack Wyatt Sr for his 40 years of service to the ILWU on his retirement from ILWU Warehouse Local 17.

R-40 Recognizes the contribution of Richard Cavalli for his years of service as an ILWU leader on his Retirement from ILWU Local 34.

R-44 Recognize Contribution of John Tousseau on his Retirement from Local 63 Marine Clerks.