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Unit 3511 Grand Hyatt Kauai settled a pandemic relief agreement on January 3, 2021 and it was ratified by the membership on January 19 and 20 at the hotel.

At all ILWU units, a contract that has been agreed upon by both management and the workers is in place to make sure management follows through on the terms and members get the full benefits they are entitled to receive. In this unprecedented pandemic, however, the tourism industry shifted in a way that made those terms not apply as readily. The revised contract with updated stipulations became the pandemic relief agreement.

Kauai is a tight-knit community, and the virus posed a serious threat to this island with limited hospital resources and capacity. While the rest of the state adopted more flexible policies for potential visitors, Kauai decided to keep stricter requirements for travelers in the interest of keeping the community safe. The working people of Kauai, in particular, our members at Grand Hyatt (one of the biggest employers in Kauai), are an example of the union value of solidarity -- coming together for the benefit of all. We honor them for for their hard work and resilience in the face of unpredictable closings and reopenings amid COVID restrictions.

Unit 3511 Grand Hyatt Kauai

photos courtesy of Hyatt Unit Vice Chair Rhonda Morris; mahalo Rhonda! 

Hard work and sacrifice; the negotiating committee working hard even during the holidays... The negotiating committee went to the Kauai Union hall on New Year’s Eve to finalize the pandemic relief agreement so the workers at the Hyatt could have as many details regarding their future with the company set for the year ahead. While most Hawaii families usually busy themselves with festivities to ring in the New Year with their loved ones on this day, the union negotiating committee showed up because it is what had to be done in order to secure their fellow workers’ livelihoods. The unit negotiating committee must keep their members united and informed during negotiations. The Grand Hyatt union negotiating committee consisted of Unit Chair Joey Silva from the engineering department, Unit Vice Chair Rhonda Morris from bell, Unit Secretary-Treasurer Trudy Azeka in PBX, Tyson Moises from valet, Kennedy Knapp at Ilima Terrace (the hotel’s restaurant), Nancy Abigania from housekeeping, Kori White from spa, and Robert Paden from banquets.


The union is strongest when every member is involved... This principle is the foundation of ILWU rank-and-file unionism. Top photo: Unit Vice Chair Rhonda Morris greets Erlinda Sagucio (left) and Sharon Lopez (right) as they pull up in the drive thru ratification to vote. Usually ratifications are held in one physical location, but a drive thru was held to mitigate the health and safety risks associated with COVID. Middle photo: Members from the housekeeping department going through the pandemic relief agreement (PRA). Bottom photo: Negotiating committee member Tyson Moises discussing the PRA with members from the landscaping department. Nearly 250 members showed up to cast their votes. The hotel suspended operations on December 7, 2020 due to the mayor’s opting out of the state’s pre-travel programand reinstated the 14-day quarantine for travelers. With the union, workers aren’t left stranded when blows like this land. Through the union, workers have a chance to negotiate alongside management to guarantee clear and concrete terms in uncertain times.