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HONOLULU—On January 18, 2017, over 80 ILWU members and retirees from all divisions went to the state capitol for the opening day of the Hawaii State Legislature. Opening day is the official start of the annual legislative session, which runs from mid-January to early May. Within the span of those lessthan-five months, state legislators make decisions on which bills become the laws that impact our lives every day.

Kauai in the house…and Senate! L-r: Stanley Dotario, Joey Silva, Pamela Green, Ernesto Domingo, Senate President Kouchi, Rhonda Morris, Jesse Vaughn, and Jesus Guirao

Members from Maui Division with Speaker Joe Souki. (l-r): Emmanuel Baltazar, Orlando Deleon, Rita Tabanao, Danilo Baldos, Speaker Souki, Amparo Pardo, Conchita DeCambra, William Kennison, and John Simpliciano.

Members from Oahu Division with Representative Henry Aquino of House District 38, Waipahu. Front, l-r: Jose Miramontes, Representative Henry Aquino, and Cherise Couch. Back, l-r: Sofala Laloulu, Jason Coronel, and Dexter Nakayama.

The ILWU secures leaves of absence from work for a large group of members so that they are able to visit the capitol on opening day every year. The union’s goal is to build a connection between elected officials and their constituents. Workers wield a lot of collective power, and it is important for lawmakers to remember that workers’ votes and voices matter all the time—not just when candidates are running for office.

“We need to show them that the ILWU is still in the house!” said SecretaryTreasurer Guy Fujimura to the group before they dispersed on buses to the capitol building. “We are there to show our support, but also there to remind them that we have concerns. And that the union’s concerns are the concerns of the Photo courtesy of Hawaii Division Business Agent George Martin. community.”

Hawaii Division Business Agent and first-timer to opening day Tristie Licoan echoed Fujimura’s idea. “We need to be involved,” she said. “I see all those rallies happening on the mainland and I think, ‘What are we doing?’ So I’m glad to go to opening day and use our presence to show I care about the issues, too.”

All rank-and-file ILWU members can and should become involved in the political process through the union’s program. For more information on political action, talk with your Business Agent or call your Division Office: Hawaii Division - (808) 935-3727; Maui Division - (808) 244-9191; Kauai Division - (808) 245-3374; Oahu and the Hawaii Longshore Division - (808) 949-4161.

Members from Hawaii Division with Economic Development and Business Committee Chair Representative Mark Nakashima. Nakashima was formerly the chair of the House Labor Committee. Front (l-r): Apolonia Valledor, Jean Funai, Barbara Hanog, Rep. Nakashima, Jovena Moses, Corinna Salmo, Theresa Cabulizan, and Clyde Kihara. Second row (l-r):Roland Shimaoka, Jr., George Martin, Dwight Takamine, Lloyd Matsubara, Frankie Pang, Elmer Gorospe, Tristie Licoan, and Alvin Akina. Back row (l-r): Clyde Silva and Michael Dela Cruz.

Members from the Longshore Division representing (l-r): Longshore Division Director William “Baba” Haole IV, Peter Morishige, Finance Chair Representative Sylvia Luke, Mike Kapeliela, Sam Kaaihue, Mike Victorino.