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ILWU Local 142 released the complete list of the union endorsed candidates for congressional, state and county races for this year’s Primary Election (see page 8).

The officers and rank-and-file members of the ILWU Political Action Committee (PAC) endorse candidates only after a thorough vetting process. The committee interviews candidates and reviews their positions on issues that matter to working people.

The endorsement process was a little different this year in the wake of COVID-19. Candidate interviews that used to happen in union halls were conducted by phone this time around, but the democracy and integrity of the process were upheld through the Local’s usual polling process.

As a labor union, ILWU Local 142 is politically independent. This means we support candidates based on what they actually do for working people and not on their party affiliation.

The PAC looked at whether these candidates shared our vision of a society that respects the labor of working people by providing jobs with living wages and the benefits they deserve.

This vision usually aligns us closer to the Democrats than the Republicans. When choosing which candidate receives our endorsement, we will choose the candidate who most closely matches the union’s principles of equality and social and economic justice.

Front center: Kim Coco Iwamoto. Second row L-R: Legislative Representative Jason Bradshaw, Dyson Chee. Back L-R: Business Agent Dural Duenas, Local Vice President Corinna Salmo, Business Agent Jose Miramontes, Oahu Division Director Michael Yamaguchi, Business Agent Paris Fernandez, Local Secretary-Treasurer Brian Tanaka, Business Agent Dillon Hullinger, Business Agent Corin Kekua at a press conference on May 21, 2020.

Kim Coco Iwamoto is a good example of a candidate with these qualities because she is someone who has always advocated for working families. It is our hope that someone like her will provide fresh solutions to old problems rooted in the status quo.

The PAC takes the time and effort for this process so that ILWU members know which candidates will best serve the working people in our community.

You can vote for ILWU-endorsed candidates with confidence that they will work in the best interest of you and your family.

ILWU Local 142 endorses Joe Biden for President, cont.

questions and meet with the candidates one-on-one at ILWU Headquarters in San Francisco.

Learning about the candidates 
While the ILWU was interviewing and meeting with the candidates, many of us had the chance to watch the debates and learn about them.

We had the opportunity to hear from new faces such as Pete Buttigieg, the articulate Mayor from South Bend Indiana to Andrew Yang, the tech entrepreneur advocating for a universal basic income.

We were educated by Elizabeth Warren who taught us in an easy way about policies that benefit working families while Bernie Sanders reminded all of us that income inequality is a widespread problem in the United States and healthcare should be a right for all Americans.

We were also able to watch Hawaii’s own Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard on the debate stage and campaign throughout the United States.

And lastly, we were able to watch former Vice President Joe Biden form impressive coalitions and appeal to a large base showing his ability to defeat Donald Trump.

Democrats united to defeat Trump 
Most candidates agreed that the federal minimum wage is too low and in need of an increase, that our healthcare system is broken, that workers should be able to freely join unions and collectively bargain for better wages and benefits, and that we are facing a climate crisis that needs immediate attention.

While each of these candidates differed in their plans on how to address these problems, they were united in a common goal — defeating Donald Trump.

All the Democratic candidates agreed that Donald Trump is a threat to the United States and a threat to working families.

working families. His Secretary of Labor is antiunion; his Secretary of Education continues to push for privatization; and his appointments to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) are pro-business and have enacted rule changes undermining workers.

Trump also continues to believe that climate change is a hoax and has ruined the economy by not taking the threat of COVID-19 seriously.

His actions have been reckless, irresponsible and insensitive and Democrats have all agreed to remain united and focused on defeating Donald Trump this November.

ILWU united to defeat Trump 
We also agree that Donald Trump must be defeated. After the Democratic nomination process began to conclude and after conversations with members and officers, the ILWU Local 142 State Political Action Committee voted to endorse Joe Biden for President and we encourage you, your family and friends to vote for Joe Biden on November 3.

We know Joe Biden will protect the rights of workers, address the problem of income inequality in the United States and bring back respect to the Oval Office. Simply put, this is one of the most important elections in our lifetime and will dictate our future for years to come. A vote for Joe Biden gives us hope.

And, that is why Bernie Sanders, Barack Obama, Amy Klobuchar, Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Andrew Yang and so many others have endorsed Joe Biden for President. 

They recognize the threat Donald Trump is to our Country and the long-term damage that could be inflicted if he wins a second term.

But it’s up to you to show up this election year and help defeat Donald Trump. Your vote makes a difference and will help determine the course of our country.