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Senator Daniel Akaka visited with the union’s statewide Political Action Committee on December 16, 2003. Akaka thanked the ILWU for its steadfast defense of democratic and constitutional rights which are coming under attack by the right-wing Bush Administration. The Committee unanimously gave early endorsements to U.S. Senator Daniel Inouye and U.S. House Representative Neil Abercrombie, both of whom will be running for reelection in 2004. Senator Akaka’s term of office runs until 2007

Harriet Bouslog Labor Scholarship for ILWU children

Bouslog Scholarship Essay Questions

1. What is a union? Give your understanding, based on what you have learned, heard and read about unions. (1 page) 

2. Why is there a need for unions today? Give your opinion on why there is a need for unions today—or why not. Present your argument clearly, using examples. (1 page) 

3. What is the ILWU? Include references to historical contributions, significant individuals, milestone events, etc., as well as the ILWU’s role in the present-day labor movement. (4 pages) 

4. Why would you want to join the ILWU? Demonstrate your understanding of who the ILWU represents today and what the ILWU is able to do for working people. (1 page)

5. Describe your family’s affiliation with the ILWU. Discuss the kind of work your parent or grandparent did as a member of the ILWU; his or her involvement in union activities; what effect, if any, union affiliation has had on your family. (1 page)