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James M. Kennedy, Administrative Law Judge of the National Labor Relations Board, issued a scathing decision against HTH Corporation, the owners and management of the Pacific Beach Hotel in Waikiki.

The 51-page decision charged HTH management with 15 violations of federal labor law and ordered the hotel to resume recognition of the ILWU as the workers’ union, rehire and pay back wages to seven members of the union negotiating committee, pay the union’s cost of negotiating since 2005, rescind all changes made without the agreement of the union, and more.

HTH has appealed the decision to the NLRB Board in Washington D.C., which will only delay the remedies ordered by Judge Kennedy.

The NLRB decision can be found here: http:// PACBEACHDECISION.pdf

Every appeal by HTH has been denied in the past, even when the majority of board members were promanagement individuals appointed by President George Bush. President Obama has appointed labor friendly members to the Board which is expected to uphold Judge Kennedy’s decision and deny HTH’s appeal.

The officers of HTH Corporation are Corine Hayashi Watanabe, John Hayashi, and Robert “Mick” Minicola. HTH was a family corporation formed by the late Herbert Hayashi to run the Pacific Beach Hotel, the Pagoda Hotel, and other businesses owned by Hayashi.

HTH will be required to post NLRB notice at hotel

Judge Kennedy ordered the hotel to post a notice of their violations and to hold meetings with employees, read the notice, and have an NLRB agent present to answer employee questions. The main content of the notice follows below, however, hotel management has appealed the decision and has not posted the notice.

Members of the Commission to Investigate Labor & Management Practices held a press conference and met with elected officials on Oct. 15, 2009. (L-r) Rep. Rida Cabanilla, reporter and Filipino community leader Mila Medallon Kaahanui, Senator Will Espero, commissioners Robert Perkinson, Rev. John Heidel, and Rev. Sam Cox, Rep. Henry Aquino, Senator Clarence Nishihara, and Rep. John Mizuno.