Hawaii Division
Business Agent Candidate:
As a second generation ILWU member, I began working in Front Office at Keauhou Beach Resort-1998 and served as Steward and Unit/Negotiating Chair until the closure of the hotel-2012. During the effects bargaining, we successfully negotiated for extended benefits including medical coverage for affected employees after the closure. I currently serve as Chair for Unit-1520 Sheraton Kona Resort and helped to organize and mobilize the Front Office to join the Union. As Chairman for over 15 years, I’ve experienced different types of situations and challenges that helped me to grow and learn along the way. The Union has made a positive impact in my life and helped me to raise my Family to have better opportunities and a brighter future. Now that my three daughters are all in college, I feel that I am ready to take the next step and stand up to fight for the rights of our everyday rank and file, and to protect workers rights and job security as the Union did for my Family. I humbly ask for your support for myself and the rest of Hawaii Division Team- Elmer, George, Michael, Tristie and by voting- Corinna Salmo-Nguyen for Local Vice-President.


Kauai Division
Director Candidate:
Aloha Brothers and Sisters,
The last few years we have experienced a confirmation of the power of anti-union organizations with sneaky names like “Freedom Foundation” that are funded by wealthy right wing individuals like the billionaire brothers Charles and David Koch.
Unions need to prepare for battle; we will need to fight for our future existence. 8 hour work days, 40 hour work weeks, meal periods, overtime pay, call-back premiums , medical and dental, sick leave & pension are a few of the benefits we and those before us fought to secure in our existing Collective Bargaining Agreements.
If it matters to you who will lead our Union for the next three years, please open your mail-out ballot, vote for the candidate of your choice and mail your ballot back.
I am very grateful for the privilege of serving our membership; I hope you will allow me to continue to serve you.
I would like to close with a quote from Martin Luther King:
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter.”
In Solidarity,

Division Trustee Candidate:

Kauai Division
Business Agent Candidate:

Local Division
Executive Board Representative Candidate:
My name is Trudy Azeka and I’m running for the Local Executive Board seat for Kaua’i. I humbly ask for your vote and would be honored to continue representing our Kaua’i Division! I’ve been a member, shop steward, Secretary/Treasurer for quite a few years and I’m so proud to be involved in the best union! ILWU Local 142

Kauai Division
Business Agent Candidate:
Aloha ILWU Local 142 Members, My name is Hoku Keamoai and I seek the position of Business Agent in this upcoming election for 2019-2021.
It is with great humility that I ask you to consider two key points, AWARENESS and ACCOUNTABILITY I believe that the Union will need to complete its mission in the next three years.
1. To be more AWARE of Industry happenings, please read and study Union literature when it comes to your mailbox. AWARENESS brings consciousness and in this Corporate World we work in, we need it more than ever.
2. The Union is NOT only made up of the Division Director, Business Agents and Union Stewards. It is made up of ALL ILWU Local 142 Members collectively. Be ACCOUNTABLE and take ownership when speaking of the Union. When the Union is strong, we are strong and when it is weak, we are weak. Likewise, when the Union goes above and beyond, we are engaged and when the Union does nothing, we are complacent. Vote in people you believe in and hold them ACCOUNTABLE to their principles. Without ACCOUNTABILITY, there is no change.
Me ke aloha,
Hoku Keamoai

Kauai Division
Business Agent Candidate:
2021 International Convention
Delegate Candidates
No candidate
General Trades
No candidate
Trudy Azeka
see photo above