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KAUAI — Over 40 golfers from all divisions gathered on the beautiful and challenging courses at Hokuala and Poipu Bay on September 2-3, 2017.

The 64th ILWU State Golf Tournament was a great opportunity for fellowship and camaraderie amongst the divisions.

“Some are there just to have fun, others to compete, but sports are always such a great opportunity for connecting with others in the union,” said Kauai Division Director Pamela Green.

This year’s tournament could not have happened without the help of Statewide Sports Coordinator Local Vice President Teddy Espeleta, Kauai Division Director Pamela Green, Business Agents Corinna Salmo, Jose Miramontes, Paris Fernandez, Joe Aquino and Calvin Corpuz.

Congratulations to first place winners from Unit 3510 Poipu Bay Resort Golf (Kauai), second place winners from Maui, and third place winners from Unit 3511Grand Hyatt Kauai.

First place winners from Unit 3510 Poipu Bay Resort Golf. L-R: Bobby Esposo, Julius Corpuz, Mark Barit, Amado Acoba.

Third place winners from Unit 3511 Grand Hyatt Kauai. L-R: Ryan “Coco” Chang, Tyson Moises, Kawika Oliver, Jeffrey Doudt.

Big Island: Bradley Knoll from Unit 1517 Hilton Waikoloa Village, Tat Chi Yim, Fernando Pancho from Unit 1503 Mauna Kea Beach Hotel. Back: Business Agent Michael Dela Cruz.

Big Island: L-R Brenden Kihoi (Unit 1513 Waikoloa Village Association), Brian Coad, Clyde “Chris” Mendiola (from Unit 1517 Hilton Waikoloa Village), Chase Cazimero (Unit 1513 Waikoloa Village Association).

Unit 4201 McCabe, Hamilton & Renny (Oahu): Wade Lono, Wayne Lono Sr., Wallace Lono, Willie Frost.

Photo credit: Statewide Sports Coordinator and Local Vice President Teddy Espeleta