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More than 200 pensioners from McBryde Sugar, G&R, Lihue Plantation, Kekaha Sugar, and Kauai Tourism enjoyed food, fellowship, games, and political speeches at Kauai Division’s annual pensioner picnic on September 11. 

Pensioners reflected in a moment of silence for our brothers and sisters who have passed on and all those who perished in
the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

Organized by Alfred Castillo, retired Kauai Division Director, and his able committee, the picnic brought pensioners together for a day of fun. Starting off with guessing games (e.g., how many crackers in the jar), the pensioners gathered to talk story and play a little music.

Then a few speeches (from Clayton Dela Cruz, Kauai Division Director; Robert Girald, retired Local Vice-President; and
Joanne Kealoha, Local Social Services Coordinator) to remind pensioners of the importance of the upcoming elections. Retirees nodded in agreement that another four years of George W. Bush must not happen. ILWU-endorsed candidates also put in an appearance, meeting retirees and saying a few words to ask for support.

By then, the pensioners were raring to participate in four lawn games set up by member and retiree volunteers from the Division. This year’s golf putting game was a challenge, as always, but included a shorter distance for the women. One of the ladies, Marcelina Lutao, shouted “Tiger Woods” for luck, and she sank her putt!

Other games were Frisbee toss, balloon darts, and ping-pong toss. Pensioners eagerly stood in line for each game and for a chance to win prize bags of canned goods and toilet tissue. No one seemed to mind the long lines--some of the fun was in the anticipation of stepping to the line and making their throw (or putt). The physical activity got everyone’s blood circulating and made them feel young again.

After lunch, the pensioners looked forward to playing Bingo and winning a 20-pound bag of rice. A total of 50 bags enticed the pensioners, who carefully monitored their cards to be sure they marked every number called. 

Each year, Kauai pensioners look forward to this picnic in celebration of their health and their affiliation with the ILWU.
Many thanks to those who helped make the picnic a huge success: Alfred Castillo, Clayton Dela Cruz, Michael Machado, Pamela Green, Melissa Ragasa, Susie Seril, Bobby and Gloria Girald, Jesus and Maxima Guirao, Stanley Dotario, Ernie Domingo, Jerry Lagazo, Doreen Kua, Mona Dotario (and her kids), Jona Troutman, and Duane Carveiro. ◆