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LIHUE—Despite the hot and humid conditions, between 70-80 Kauai pensioners enjoyed food, fellowship, and games at the annual Kauai Division Pensioner Picnic on August 29, 2015. They gathered in the patio area of the ILWU Lihue Hall after signing in and were handed a sheet with scrambled words. The one who could unscramble the most words would be declared a winner.

Retired Business Agent Jesus Guirao began the festivities by welcoming the pensioners and introducing the guests. Among the guests were Senator Ron Kouchi, Kauai County Council members JoAnn Yukimura and Arryl Kaneshiro.

Division Director Michael Machado then introduced Mark Bernstein, president of the Harriet Bouslog Labor Scholarship Fund, who went over the benefits of the Harriet Bouslog Labor Scholarship and encouraged all those in attendance to go back to their families and get them to apply for the scholarship.

Ready, set, GO! 
The pensioners were raring to participate in the games set up by member and retiree volunteers from the Division. Pensioners Stanley Dotario and Jesus Guirao, were the officials for the golf putting game. As in the past, the women’s putting green was shorter than the men’s.

The lines were long for the Portuguese Horseshoe toss. Unlike the “real” horseshoe game where one tosses horseshoes at stakes in a sandbox area; Portuguese Horseshoe participants toss rings towards a hole on a raised box. Business Agent Calvin Corpuz and family tallied the “ringers” or the rings nearest to the hole.

Pensioner Ernie Domingo was the official of the Cards & Darts game. The object was to get 21 points with two dart throws by aiming at playing cards stapled to the dart board.

Pensioners eagerly stood in line for each game and their chance to win prize bags of canned goods. True fellowship was exhibited as those in line cheered and encouraged each participant as they tried their skill or luck at each game. Those in line were more excited than the winning participant.

Lunch break 
Bentos purchased from Mark’s Place and Ishihara Market were passed out for lunch. Mark’s Place also donated a full sheet cake for dessert.

Senator Ron Kouchi, Kauai County Council members JoAnn Yukimura and Arryl Kaneshiro each presented short speeches during the lunch hour in which they thanked the pensioners for all the help and support that has been extended to them in their election campaigns.

Secretary-Treasurer Guy Fujimura described the history of Kauai and how it was connected to him and his family. He expressed great appreciation for what the pensioners did for the union and the State; which has made Hawaii what it is today. Guy ended with, “thank you and enjoy the day.”

After lunch, the pensioners looked forward to playing Bingo and winning a 15-pound bag of rice. A total of 40 bags enticed the pensioners, who carefully monitored their cards to be sure they marked every number called. When the last bag of rice was handed out, that last “Bingo” that was uttered brought this year’s pensioner picnic to an end. It was a long day, but most of all, the pensioners appreciated the chance to meet up with their friends, talk story, and enjoy the company of others.

Many thanks to those who helped make the picnic a huge success: Alfred Castillo, Calvin Corpuz and family, Clayton Dela Cruz, Ernie Domingo, Stanley Dotario, Mona Dotario-Agor, Bobby and Gloria Girald, Pamela Green, Jesus and Maxima Guirao, Gwendolyn Kanahele, Doreen Kua, and Michael Machado.

“Cards & Darts” master Ernie Domingo, in charge of the dart board game.

Game Marshal Jesus Guirao (right) oversees the golf ball as it rolls down the men’s “greens” of the golf putting game.

Pensioners toss the ring in the “Portuguese Horseshoe Toss” game.

Pensioners wait their turns and cheer the player on the line in the “Cards & Darts” game.