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Part II 

(for Part I see the January/February 2018 issue! )

HONOLULU — Over a hundred members from Kauai, Maui, Hawaii, Oahu and the Longshore DIvision learned from some of the best labor education specialists in the country on January 29 - February 2, 2018. “We come from a different variety of industries, but we all can learn from each other,” said Corin Kekua of Unit 4406 Star Advertiser. “Even with our differences, we still want contracts that can give us the same things like a living wage and benefits and security for our family and jobs. The union brings us all together.”

After a long week of diligent study and active participation, the members graduated with the support and encouragement of their instructors. “Some of them were telling me, ‘We can’t wait to call you when we’re in negotiations!’ And I can’t wait to hear from them,” said instructor Eve Weinbaum, who taught a core class called “Mobilizing for Collective Bargaining.”

The members’ enthusiasm will take them far. Page 7 contains an update on how members have been applying what they learned at the institute. These pages contain a sampling of their learning highlights.

Our Mighty Members

Kalen Puu-Komoda of Unit 2526 Andaz Maui and Clayton Hao of Unit 1417 Hawthorne Pacific Corp. with their power map in a workshop called “Research Skills for Union Leaders” done by instructor Molly Gott. Using the website, members traced where money flows to and from at their companies, ultimately researching their way to empowerment; more knowledge about those in power leads to more leverage in bargaining and beyond.

“When you’re tracking power, see who is the ultimate decision maker,” said instructor Molly Gott about management. “What is important to them? Do they want another hotel? What relationships matter to them?”

“I get it,” said Daryl “Hoku” Keamoai Unit 3511 Grand Hyatt Kauai (pictured above). “You learn to speak their language.”

L-R: Sally Abut Unit 2520 Grand Wailea Resort Retail, Ariel Cantiberos Unit 1421 Sack N Save Kona, James Villegas Unit 4405 Foodland, Venancio Garduque Unit 2526 Andaz Maui, Elizabeth Visitacion Unit 4524 Airport Honolulu Hotel presenting what their core class learned for the rest of the participants. “Any kind of effective leadership is due to listening,” said instructor Marilyn Sneiderman. How does one become a better listener? Knowing your communication and personality style. This group is the “Amiables,” friendly team players. The other personality/leadership types are: analyticals, drivers, and expressives.