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Our Mighty Teachers

Instructor Stephen Lerner wears his ILWU shirt with pride as instructor Marilyn Sneiderman holds his jacket.

Classes in session
Every member participated in one “core class,” a class that met every day in the morning for the entire week. In the afternoon, members could choose between workshops that changed daily.

Thefirstclasslistedistheteacher’s core class, unless there is only one class listed, meaning that instructor only taught a workshop.

Barbara Byrd: Advanced Leadership Skills; Dealing with Workplace Bullies

Tracy Chang: How to Educate Your Members and the Bosses About Anything; Systems Thinking Tools
-- Don’t Solve Problems, Dissolve Them!

Lynn Feekin: How to Educate Your Members and the Bosses About Anything; Reaching Up, Reaching Out: Helping the Next Generation Learn the Ropes of Unionism.

Molly Gott: Research Skills for Union Leaders 

Gordon Lafer: Mobilizing for Collective Bargaining; What is Wrong About “Right to Work” 

Grainger Ledbetter: Winning in the Workplace; How to Conduct an Effective Union Meeting

 Stephen Lerner: Preparing for Collective Bargaining; Political Action Works 

William Puette: The History of the ILWU in Hawaii 

Katie Quan: Make Your Unit Strong!; Balancing Work and Family

Instructor Eve Weinbaum with her class “Mobilizing for Collective Bargaining.”

OVERLAPPING THEMES: On the left is Sneiderman in her core class that highlighted listening (see left). On the right is Chang showing the Chinese character for the word “Listen.” It is made up of characters for ear, eyes, attention, king, and heart. Both classes stressed that how you listen is how you lead.

Jono Shaffer: PreparingforCollective Bargaining; Political Action Works

Jennifer Sherer: Make Your Unit Strong!; Developing a New Member Program

Marilyn Sneiderman: Advanced Leadership Skills; Political Action Works

Diane Thomas-Holladay: Winning in the Workplace; Understanding the FMLA

Adrienne Valdez: Managing Conflict

Eve Weinbaum: Mobilizing for Collective Bargaining; Building Coalitions with Unions and Community

Dale Yashiki: What You Should Know About the NLRA