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LANAI CITY—“I believe this Labor Day celebration on Lanai is a tremendous success,” said Maui Division Director Willie Kennison. “And we must thank the unit officers and stewards on Lanai who worked so hard to make it a reality.”

This year the ILWU workers on Lanai held their own Labor Day Celebration on September 4, and invited the whole island to join them. The brainchild of Unit Chair and Vice Chair Willie and Amelia Stalker, the celebration included a picnic with chili, rice and hotdog lunches, lucky number drawings, entertainment by talented Lanai bands, and a chance to meet with fellow workers, union leaders, and lawmakers.

Titled officers Fred Galdones, Donna Domingo and Guy Fujimura attended the celebration along with Kennison and Business Agents Jerrybeth DeMello, Claro Romero and Wayne Takehara, who helped the unit officers with logistics.

Many thanks to those involved, including the Stalkers, Marylou Kaukeano, Linda Fernandez, Shawn Atacador, Marino Barsatan, Priscilla and Joe Felipe, Lydia Batoon, Soledad Simon, Lena Raqueno, and Darrel Bali. Thanks
also to those who volunteered in the kitchen, helped with the children’s activities, or provided transportation.

Lanai ILWU members can truly be proud of their wonderful Labor Day 2004 event!

Unit leaders Shawn Atacador and Linda Fernandez (first and second from left) manned the check-in table with help from Delilah Salcedo from the Westin Maui, ILWU Social Services Coordinator Joanne Kealoha (seated), and others. They passed out lucky number tickets and lunch tickets to members.

Amelia and Willard (Willie) Stalker, Lanai hotels Unit Vice Chair and Chair, respectively.

Representative Sol Kahoohalahala was re-elected by his constituents and returns to the State House next year.

Volunteers cooked gallons of chili and thousands of hotdogs for lunch.

Many families like the Anchetas participated in the celebration. (Back, l-r) Juana Ancheta, who works in the laundry, her son George, who works for Lanai Company, and George’s wife Natividad, who is a housekeeper at Manele Bay Hotel. (Front, l-r) Jazlyn and Christine Ancheta.

Many teenagers attended the picnic, enjoying a day of reggae music by local Lanai groups “Our Turn” and “Uprise.”

Children’s activities included races, games, art activities, and “bouncers.”