Local 142 Hawaii played an important and progressive role in setting the direction of the International ILWU for the future.
Local 142 introduced a series of 13 resolutions that defined the policy of the union towards a wide-range of critically important political issues—such as working for peace, protecting public education, calling for national health care, opposing attacks on civil liberties, and protecting social security. Hawaii delegates were active and vocal in their committees and on the floor of the Convention. Some debates were heated, but differences were always settled by full discussion and a democratic vote.
The Convention left the union more united and stronger then ever.

Kauai Division delegates Jon Garcia of Unit 3411 - Kauai Commercial Co., Diana Lopez of Unit 3410 - G.N. Wilcox Memorial Hospital, and Jerson Alop and Robert Ritch of Unit 3105 - Gay & Robinson, Inc.

(Above) Former ILWU Local 142 social worker Ah Quon McElrath gave a rousing speech that brought the house to its feet. (Right) Maui delegates Ven Garduque, Lena Staton and Rose Corpin represent tourism workers on the Valley Isle.

Hawaii Division delegates Rankin Gossert, Eli Miura, and Dean Piltz. Miura is from Unit 1201 - HT&T Company (longshore) and Gossert and Piltz are from Unit 1201 - Young Brothers, Ltd.

Delegates from Oahu Division included pineapple representatives (l-r) Avelino Martin, Ismael Bugarin, and Francis Butay.

Local 142 members caucused throughout the week to discuss specific resolutions.

ILWU Washington Representative Lindsay McLaughlin (left) explains the ramifications of a proposal to allow drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to the Local 142 caucus. Local 142 decided to support keeping the federally protected lands free from oil development.

Local 142 President Eusebio Lapenia Jr. acknowledges with a wave and sincere mahalo well-wishers who spoke to congratulate him on his upcoming retirement. Retirement resolutions were passed for both Lapenia and International Secretary-Treasurer Joe Ibarra.

Several issues brought to the Convention floor required a standing vote to determine whether or not the issue was passed by the body. (Above) Rev. Jesse Jackson was one of several guest speakers, including Local 142’s Ah Quon McElrath, AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Richard Trumka, Maritime Union of Australia General Secretary Paddy Crumlin, Columbian union leader William Mendoza, and California Governor Gray Davis. Pictured above are Hanalei Peters, Teddy Espeleta, Jerrybeth DeMello, Jackson, Luana Amano, and Martin Jensen.