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Two full-time business agent positions on Kauai are pending the outcome of a re-run election scheduled for January 27 to February 2, 2007. The re-run affects only the business agent race and all other officers on Kauai are elected.

The next highest positions are the four division directors—Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, and Oahu—who administer the work of the union in their division. All four division directors were re-elected by the members of their divisions. Richard Baker was re-elected as Hawaii division director; Willie Kennison was re-elected as head of Maui division; Kauai’s director, Clayton Dela Cruz, will serve another term; and Dave Mori was returned to office as the Oahu division director.

The division directors are charged with the responsibility of directing the work of their division and supervising the work of the business agents and division office staff.

The three titled officers and four division directors also serve as the union’s executive committee and meet monthly to coordinate the work of the union, particularly in the areas of contract negotiations and grievance handling.

Business Agents 
On the Big Island, George Martin and Corinna Salmo are the new business agents. They will be joining Isaac Fiesta, Jr., Greg Gauthier, Wallace Ishibashi, Jr., and Elmer Gorospe to make up the Hawaii Division team.

Maui members will continue to see familiar faces serving as their business agents. Incumbents Bobby Andrion, Teddy Espeleta, Claro Romero, Jr., Stephen Castro, Sr., Joseph Franco Jr., and Jerrybeth DeMello won their elections.

On Oahu, the six incumbent business agents were returned to office—Shane Ambrose, Brandon Bajo-Daniel, Karl Lindo, Larry Ruiz, Tyronne Tahara, and Brian Tanaka.

The results of the Kauai business agent elections will be announced after the re-run election.

Local Executive Board 
The Local Executive Board is composed of 20 people—the three top titled officers, the four division directors, and 13 rank-and-file members. Elected to the executive board are the four Division Trustees—Lloyd Matsubara, Douglas Cabading, Doreen Kua, Nate Lum; four Division Representatives—Eli Miura, Jason Medeiros, Jon Garcia, and Michael Yamaguchi; and five Industrial Group Representatives— Henry Kreutz (Longshore), Jerry Lagazo (Sugar), Robert Faborito (Pineapple), Rikizo Tengan (General Trades), and Donna Lee “Kehau” Oyamot-Maeha (Tourism).

International Executive Board members from Hawaii also sit on the Local Executive Board as observers. They are: Robert Zahl (Sugar), Nate Lum (Longshore), Avelino Martin (Pineapple), Kenneth Ige (General Trades), and Joey Silva (Tourism). ◆