Union-wide elections held in November 2012 elected the top officers who will direct the work of the union for the next three years. Elected are 27 full-time officers, 13 rank-and-file members to the Local Executive Board, and 14 Delegates to the ILWU International Convention. The election results were announced on November 20, 2012, but candidates filed six challenges to the election. An ILWU Judicial Panel has ruled on challenges to the election results, and those decisions must be carried out before the results are final. A recount has been ordered for Oahu Division, as well as a rerun for one Oahu unit. All officers serve a term of three years, beginning January 2, 2013 and ending on January 1, 2016.
Members elected a new President, Donna Domingo from Maui, and a new Vice President, Teddy B. Espeleta from Maui. Guy Fujimura was elected to serve his ninth term as the union’s SecretaryTreasurer, a position he has held since 1985.
The next highest positions are the five Division Directors—Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, Oahu, and Longshore—who administer the work of the union in their division. Elmer Gorospe was elected as Hawaii Division director; Stephen Castro was elected as head of Maui Division; Michael Yamaguchi was elected as the Oahu Division director; Michael Machado was re-elected as the Kauai Division director; and Nathan Lum was re-elected as the Longshore Division Director.
The division directors are charged with the responsibility of directing the work of their division and supervising the work of the business agents and division office staff.
The three titled officers and the five division directors also serve as the union’s executive committee and meet monthly to coordinate the work of the union, particularly in the areas of contract negotiations and grievance handling.
Business Agents
On the Big Island, members will continue to see familiar faces, as four of their business agents were incumbents: Delbert DeRego, Gregory Gauthier, George Martin, and Corinna Salmo. Francine Masuhara-Molina will join the team as a newly elected business agent.
Maui Division will also see their former business agents return to office as four incumbents were re-elected: Robert Andrion Jr., Jerrybeth De Mello, Abel Kahoohanohano, and Claro Romero Jr. Stephen William West will join the team as a newly elected business agent.
Oahu Division will see the biggest change with two incumbent and three new business agents elected. Incumbents Dillon M. Hullinger and Karl Lindo were re-elected. Oahu members elected three new business agents: Wilfred “Wil” Chang, Paris E.J. Fernandez, and Jose M. Miramontes Jr
Kauai will have one incumbent and one new business agent. Incumbent Pamela Green was re-elected and Doreen H. Kua will come on board as a new business agent.
The Hawaii Longshore Division elected both of their incumbent business agents: Dennis Morton and Tyrone Tahara.
Local Executive Board
The ILWU Local Executive Board is composed of 21 people—the three top titled officers, the four island division directors, the longshore division director, and 13 rank-and-file members.
Rank-and-file members elected to the executive board are the four Division Trustees—Mary “Swanee” Rillanos (Hawaii), Douglas Cabading (Maui), Doreen Kua (Kauai), and Nathan “Nate” Lum (Oahu); the four Division Representatives—Myra Spencer (Hawaii), Steven J. Lee (Maui), Trudy Azeka (Kauai), and Todd N. Yamane (Oahu); and the five Industrial Group Representatives—William “Baba” Haole IV (longshore), Kelly Ruidas (sugar), Douglas Cabading (pineapple), Lynden Koerte (general trades), and Helene “Lei” Kaiahua-Sado (tourism).
International Executive Board members from Hawaii also sit on the Local Executive Board as observers. They are: Esther Manibog (sugar), Nathan Lum (longshore), Mathew Rodrigues (pineapple), Elmer Gorospe (general trades), and Kehau Oyamot-Maeha (tourism).*

Best Wishes for a Peaceful and Prosperous New Year

—from the Officers and staff of ILWU Local 142
“An Injury to One is an Injury to All”