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Union-wide elections held in November 2009 elected 25 full-time officers, 13 members to the Local Executive Board, and 19 Delegates to the International Convention. All officers serve a term of three years, beginning January 2, 2010 and ending on January 1, 2013.

Members elected a new president—Isaac Fiesta Jr. from the Big Island. Vice President Donna Domingo was re-elected to serve a third term. Guy Fujimura was elected to serve his eighth term as the union’s secretary-treasurer, a position he has held since 1985.

The next highest positions are the four division directors—Hawaii, Maui, Kauai, and Oahu—who administer the work of the union in their division. Richard Baker Jr. was re-elected as Hawaii Division director; Willie Kennison was re-elected as head of Maui Division; and Dave Mori was returned to office as the Oahu Division director. Former business agent Michael Machado was elected as the Kauai Division director.

The division directors are charged with the responsibility of directing the work of their division and supervising the work of the business agents and division office staff.

The three titled officers, the four island division directors, and the Hawaii Longshore Division director also serve as the union’s executive committee and meet monthly to coordinate the work of the union, particularly in the areas of contract negotiations and grievance handling.

Business Agents 
On the Big Island, the business agent team will be: Greg Gauthier, Elmer Gorospe, Wallace Ishibashi Jr., George Martin, and Corinna Salmo.

Maui members will continue to see familiar faces serving as their business agents. Incumbents Robert Andrion Jr., Teddy Espeleta, Claro Romero Jr., Stephen Castro Sr., and Jerrybeth De Mello won their elections.

On Oahu, five incumbent business agents were returned to office— Shane Ambrose, Karl Lindo, Larry Ruiz, Brian Tanaka, and Michael Yamaguchi.

The Kauai business agents are Pamela Green and Alan “King” Kimura.

Local Executive Board 
The ILWU Local Executive Board is composed of 20 people—the three top titled officers, the four island division directors, and 13 rank-and-file members.

Elected to the executive board are the four division trustees—Mary “Swanee” Rillanos (Hawaii), Douglas Cabading (Maui), Doreen Kua (Kauai), Nathan “Nate” Lum (Oahu); four division representatives—Myra Spencer (Hawaii), Mike Bunyard (Maui), Jon Garcia (Kauai), and Dillon Hullinger (Oahu); and five industrial group representatives— Nelson K. Rita (longshore), Kelly Ruidas (sugar), Mathew Rodrigues (pineapple), Juanita Pedra (general trades), and Lee Ann Perez (tourism).

International Executive Board members from Hawaii also sit on the Local Executive Board as observers. They are: Aurora Raposas (sugar), Samuel Kaaihue (longshore), Douglas Cabading (pineapple), Francis Kamakaokalani (general trades), and Cyrus Kodani (tourism).

—continued on Page 2

Convention actions ratified

ILWU members approved the actions of the 25th ILWU Local 142 Convention by a wide margin in dozens of ratification meetings held from October 14 to November 10. The vote was 72 percent “Yes” and 28 percent “No.”

Dues increase approved in statewide vote 
Members approved a number of Constitutional amendments which creates a new Hawaii Longshore Division and increases union dues by one-half of one percent. The dues increase will take effect on January 1, 2010. 

A report on other Constitutional amendments, resolutions, and reports of the Convention are on Pages 4, 5, 6 and 8. The Convention was held from September 15-18, 2009, in Honolulu.

Truth Commission stunned by HTH Corp. mistreatment of workers

“What we found disturbed all of us. For a state that relies, above all, on the ability of working- and middle-class families to support themselves in the tourism industry, the developments at Pacific Beach Hotel are very troubling. We offer our findings in the hope that they will spur our community as a whole to forge a quick and just solution to this crisis.”

The Commission found that Pacific Beach Hotel management maintained a climate of intimidation, fear, and threats to prevent workers from supporting the union. Workers suspected of supporting the union would have their hours cut, given punitive work assignments, or punished for minor infractions.

The Commission found that workers supported the union but didn’t attend rallies or show their support because of fear of having their hours cut or losing their jobs.

Despite the low pay, understaffing, heavy workload, and mistreatment, the hotel’s employees were loyal, faithful, and “remain committed to helping make the Pacific Beach Hotel a top-quality, successful and prosperous business.” The Commission concluded that “signing a fair contract would benefit management, employees, the general public and the hotel industry of Hawai‘i.”

The Commission interviewed dozens of workers, both pro- and anti-union, from every major department of the hotel.

The Commission to Investigate Labor and Management Practices at the Pacific Beach Hotel is an independent, non-partisan commission composed of religious, community and academic leaders. Members of the Commission are: Rev. Sam Cox, United Methodist Church, Chair; Rev. John Heidel, Interfaith Alliance Hawai‘i; Dr. Raymund Liongson, Leeward Community College; Prof. Robert Perkinson, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa; and Prof. Mari Yoshihara, University of Hawai‘i at Manoa.

A copy of the Truth Commission’s full report can be found at http:// TruthComReport.pdf.

Judge rules on Pacific Beach, page 3