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Local President Candidate 
Donna Domingo

Donna Domingo, President of the ILWU Local 142,

I’m honored and grateful to be given the opportunity to serve as your President in the next triennium. The ILWU has a rich history like no other Union, and I’m proud of it, our fore fathers instilled the Democracy and Principles in our Union, and I will uphold that legacy.

As a member of 34 years, serving in the highest level of the ILWU Local 142, I believe that “Unity, Solidarity, and Strength” is who we are, “An Injury to One is an Injury to All” is principles we need to continue to have. It’s our legacy and our future.

Join me to insure that the ILWU Local 142, is here for the future generations. 
In Solidarity 
Donna Domingo

Local Vice President Candidate 
Teddy B. Espeleta

Brothers and sisters, Thank you all for the opportunity to serve as your Vice President for another term.

As you know, I come from humble beginnings. I haven’t or won’t ever forget the struggles working families go through in their everyday lives. It has been an honor to serve as your Vice President for the last triennium.

As your Vice President, I will continue to stand beside the other titled officers offering support and stepping in when they are not able to, and being there when they ask for some extra help. I also commit to serving the members to the best of my ability. I humbly ask you for your continued support.

Local Secretary-Treasurer Candidate 
Guy K. Fujimura

I’ve been a member of ILWU Local 142 for 41 years, starting work at Love’s Bakery, Unit 4402, in 1974, where I served as shop steward, unit chair and chair of the statewide bakery negotiation committee. I began working for the Union in 1978. I’ve had the opportunity to organize, teach, lobby and negotiate. I was elected Secretary-Treasurer in 1985. As Secretary-Treasurer, I am responsible for the Local’s finances and its records. I am the Local’s Political Action Coordinator. I serve as trustee on both H&W Trusts and both Pension Plans.

I am proud of our Union’s critical and significant role in bringing economic, political and social justice to Hawaii. No organization has had a greater impact on bringing progressive, positive change to our Islands, than the ILWU. It is our job to keep our Union strong to protect the livelihood and rights of our members. We continue to uphold the ILWU heritage as a fighter for these rights -- the right of workers and their families for a better life; to civil rights and social justice; to political democracy.

I thank you for another chance to serve the members of our great Union as ILWU Local 142 Secretary-Treasurer.

Statewide Industrial Grouping Local Executive Board Candidates

Sugar Grouping Candidate 
Charles Andrion 
No statement submitted

Sugar Grouping Candidate 
Esther Manibog

Longshore Grouping Candidate 
Samuel K. Kaaihue 
No statement submitted.

Pineapple Grouping Candidate 
Samuel T. Ramirez 
No statement submitted.

General Trades Grouping Candidate 
Boyd K. Isnec 
No statement submitted.

Tourism Grouping Candidate 
Rhonda Morris 
No statement submitted.