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Grocery stores are selling the thawed, previously frozen bread which comes from the mainland on the same shelves as the fresh baked bread produced by Love’s Bakery. Because of higher profit margins, many grocery chains are giving the frozen bread the best shelf positions and pushing the locally produced Love’s bread to the bottom shelves.

The law was passed because some bakers began making lighter loaves (14 or 15 ounces) that were the same size as the one pound loaves and sold them for slightly less. Consumers would mistakenly buy the lighter bread, thinking they were one pound loaves.

Hawaii’s “bread weight law” was repealed in 1991, following the passage of the US Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 which established national standards for food quality and labeling.

The union is looking into the possibility that the frozen bread may violate federal law and the Hawaii Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (HRS 328) which prohibits false or misleading labeling or packaging, misrepresentation of foods, and omissions in labeling.

Both the federal and Hawaii laws require previously frozen food to be labeled as such.

Love’s Bakery members and retirees testified in favor of a law that would require previously frozen and thawed bread to be labeled as such.

US Food and Drug Administration Rules on Fresh and Frozen Foods (CPG 7120.06)

Results from the United States 2010 Census count shows the 2010 population of the State of Hawaii grew to 1,360,301 individuals. This was an increase of 148,764 people since the 2000 census, an increase of 12.3 percent.

Hawaii County added 36,402 residents for the largest percentage increase of 24.5 percent. Maui added 26,740 residents for a population growth of 20.9 percent.

Kauai added 8,628 residents for a growth rate of 12.3 percent. Honolulu County added 77,051 people for a rate of growth of 8.8 percent.

Ethnic group changes 
Mixed race residents are the fastest growing group in Hawaii, adding 45,820 people for a growth rate of 41.2 percent. Caucasians are growing the second fastest with a growth rate of 28.6 percent. 

Asians are the largest ethnic group in Hawaii with 525,078 people, but their numbers have only increased by 14.3 percent since 2000. 

Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders grew by 14.7 percent to 135,422 individuals.

National population 
The U.S. population as a whole grew by about 9.7 percent to 308,745,538 people. 

The U.S. Constitution requires a count of the resident population every 10 years. The count includes everyone—citizens and immigrants.

The count of people and where they live are used to determine the number of representatives a state should have in the U.S. Congress. Every state has two Senators. There are a total of 100 Senators in the U.S. Congress.

Every state is given at least one seat in the House of Representatives. There are 435 members in the House of Representatives, and so the remaining 385 seats are allocated to states based on the population counts of the census.

Each state uses the census counts to redraw their districts so that each representative has an equal number of people in his or her district. Districts for state and county elections will also be changed based on the 2010 Census counts. This process is called reapportionment.

Hawaii has two representatives in the U.S. House and this will not change.

ight states will gain seats in the House because of population growth. Texas will gain four seats and Florida will gain two seats. Arizonian, Nevada, Utah, Washington, Georgia, and South Carolina will all gain one additional seat in the House of Representatives.

Ten states, mostly in the North and Mid-West will lose seats. New York and Ohio will lose two seats each. Michigan, New Jersey, Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Louisiana will lose one seat each. See http://2010.