Maui Division Director Candidate:
Brothers and Sisters,
Every year we are faced with difficult challenges which threaten our family’s future. Issues of economic uncertainties, to government leadership that does not care for the working class and anti-union organizations like “Right to Work” are some of those hurdles that we as a union must over-come. These organizations would weaken our foundation that would unravel the very fabric that protects our existence. If left unchallenged or unchecked we will be on a path of total destruction, where no voice will ever be heard, and no injury will be ever be notice.
We as members must never forget the struggles of our ancestors that paved the road, so that our families can enjoy a promising life. The benefits of having a union contract far out measure those without one. Brothers and Sisters, I am running for the position of Maui Division Director to continue this promise of fighting and protecting our future against any organizations that will stop at nothing to lower our standards of living.
If I could be so bold to ask for your vote and support this coming Union election, it would be greatly appreciated.
Roberto “Bobby” Andrion Jr.

Maui Division Business Agent Candidate:
Brothers and Sisters of ILWU Local 142, I am asking for your support and privilege this coming election to run as Business Agent for Maui Division.
I am currently a Union Steward at the Grand Wailea unit 2520. I understand the importance of our union and the struggles that the previous generations have fought and worked hard for. However, we the younger generations should not take for granted, what we have as benefits must be protected. Today is not the time to be intimated or to be silenced and allowed for things to pass by, while government officials and companies are ready and willing to take everything that we as a great union fought and worked for. We must come together as ONE to make a stand for our younger generations to be proud of. If not, we as a union will just be a memory.
I humbly ask for your support in allowing me the opportunity to defend workers rights and to bridge the generational gap. Thank you for your support and taking the time to ready my statement.
Charles Andrion

Maui Division Business Agent Candidate:
Brothers and Sisters of the ILWU Local 142, my name is Joseph Aquino and I’m running for re-election of Business Agent, Maui Division. Thank you for your support in electing me the last term and I ask for your continued support again. Last election my theme was, “help me to help you.” It was a challenging period with the closure of HC&S but we managed to survive because of the union’s contract in place. In the last three years I’ve not only represented you, I’ve placed myself in positions that would benefit the union. I’m on the Board of Water Supply, MEO Board of Directors, Precinct President and Sports Coordinator. Although we didn’t always win, I can honestly say that we still came out on top for the fight of fair treatment, competitive wages and sustained benefits.
This term, let’s continue the battle for your rights and also educate ourselves of what is to come. Many don’t realize the resistance out there that are trying to break the unions apart and get rid of us completely. We must start banding together before it’s too late. Again, please support me to represent you and move to stand as one.

Maui Division Business Agent Candidate:
Dear Brothers and Sisters, We must ALL prepare and work TOGETHER to unified and strengthen our UNION, to protect our jobs, to get the BEST contracts and join hand in hand for brighter and blissful FUTURE!!!!!
I’m so much grateful and humbly honored for all the amazing opportunities provided to me by ILWU. It’s has been a priviledge serving as Political Action Committee Chairman and Temporary Business Agent since January, 2016. I thank UNIT 2520 – Grand Wailea Resort & Spa serving/representing our membership as Steward, Grievance Chairman, Chairman, Contract Negotiating Member/Chairman, delegate International/ Local Conventions and attendee in Training Workshops/Conferences.
I served various capacities in different organizations in the community and church sharing unconditional contributions of my TIME, TALENT and TREASURE including my family that makes me credible, trusted and outstanding LEADER.
I am confident, personally motivated and firmly believe that I am ready to a higher level of service considering my various leadership roles have equipped and prepared me for the job of DIVISION BUSINESS AGENT. I really possess the right management/supervisory skills, relevant knowledge/ideas, rich experiences/trainings for this important position.
My brothers and sisters, I humbly ask for your SUPPORT………VOTE for me as DIVISION BUSINESS AGENT.
more Maui Division candidates on pages 9, 10, and 11...