Executive Board Candidate
Michael Friday
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My name is Michael Friday and I have been a union member for the last nine years. I hold the Grievance Chair at the Grand Wailea Resort, and I’m also a Shop Steward.
I believe our Union can grow stronger in these troubled times, for it is in troubled times that it becomes clear to people how necessary unions are. I believe we need to find our members who believe in Social Justice and give them the education and experience they need to become the next generation of union leaders.
It is also important that we clearly and repeatedly inform our politicians on all levels just what working families expect from them.
In return for your vote, I promise my full attention and effort to every duty I will have as a member of the Local Executive Board.

Executive Board Candidate
Michael L. “Mike” Bunyard
My name is Mike Bunyard and I am a 15 year member at The Westin Maui that looks forward to becoming your Maui Division Local Executive Board Representative. With the Local Convention behind us and moving forward to the next triennium, the Local Executive Board will be the highest decision making body for the ILWU Local 142. With my experience in Negotiation, Unit Vice-Chair, Grievance Chair, attending two Labor Institutes, two International Conventions, and two Local Conventions, I have the knowledge and ability to serve our members and the ILWU in these challenging times. I want to help make the decisions that get our members and the union through the next three years and beyond.

Business Agent Candidate
Teddy B. (Bear) Espeleta
My Name is Teddy B. (BEAR) Espeleta.
I am currently a Business Agent with the Maui Division and seeking re-election for BUSINESS AGENTAT- LARGE for the Maui Division. I have been a Business Agent since 2003, before becoming a Business Agent I served as Unit Chairman for Unit 2307 Maui Pineapple Company and have been a union member for more then 30 years and served as an officer with the ILWU Local 142 in different capacities. As a Business Agent with the ILWU Local 142, I have represented the different Industries and contracts in the ILWU, like Pineapple, Sugar, General Trades, Tourism and Longshore. If I am re-elected, I will continue to represent and help the members of the ILWU Local 142 to the best of my ability. I humbly ask for your support in this upcoming election.

Business Agent Candidate
Abel Kahoohanohano, Jr.
My name is Abel L. Kahoohanohano Jr. I am running for Business Agent at Large for the Maui Division, my credentials are as follows:
ILWU Member for 35 years.
· Unit 2101 Steward for H.C.&S – 1975– 1987
· Unit 2406 Steward for Ameron, Maui– 1987-2000 · Unit 2406 Chairman – 2000-2006 · Temporary Business Agent 2003 – 2005
· ILWU Maui Political Action Chairman/Coordinator – 2004 – 2006
· Full time Business Agent – Maui Division – 2007 – 2009
· Current Properties that I represent: Unit 2515 - Hyatt Regency Maui, Unit 2406 – Construction Companies (Ameron, Hawaiian Cement, Walker Industries, Maui Blocks), Unit 2404 – Tri Isle Trucking and Unit 2409 - Paradise Beverages

Business Agent Candidate
David “Pac Man” Truong
I want to thank the members of ILWULocal 142 for their nomination in this years election. I’ve been a Shop Steward representing the members of unit 2401 CastleCooke Transportation since 2006. I have also been involved in helping our members in the Laundry and Retail dept in solving their Rights On the Job issues.
In these hard times when mgmt are forcing our members to more with less workers, there are going to be alot of problems with contract violations dealing with seniority rights, and our members really need HELP to come to them QUICKLY. Earlier this year,because of our QuickResponse Request for help from 2 members who were facing termination, we managed to save their jobs.
In these hard times, QuickResponse to our members problems makes all the difference. My Goal is also to Teach as many members as possible to understand their Union Contract, to know that it holds a lot of Power and to use that Power to help other Members. When the People elect me, i will devote this Service to All our members as their Business Agent. Thank you, to our Union Brothers and Sisters for your support.

Business Agent Candidate
Stephen W. West
Aloha, my name is Stephen West.
I am currently an appointed business agent for the Maui Division. I humbly ask for your support in the next election, so I may continue to serve the membership.
I have been a member for 23 years working at the Maui Prince Hotel, Unit 2511 where I served as the unit chair from 2001-2007. I also worked at the Grand Wailea and Spa unit 2520 for 15 years. For both of those units I was involved in various negotiations, involving the two units where I was part of a team to make positive change for the workers. That is where I truly began to get involved with my union, during that time I held various unit positions.
I served as a Political Action Committee Coordinator for the Maui Division. Was elected as a delegate to the ILWU International and Local Conventions, and attended labor institutes, received training in grievance handling and workmen’s comp.
And now as a business agent I’ve have used the training to help our members and families to better there life’s in the work place, home, and in there community.
I ask for your support, so I may continue to serve.