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Fred Galdones 
Local President

Fred Galdones comes from the Big Island, where he worked at the Hilo Coast Processing Company and served for many years as both Business Agent and Division Director. “I have a vision where all workers will be treated with dignity and respect. I want to increase participation in union activities and build relationships and trust within the union and with the community. The union has many goals—improving wages, benefits and our members’ standard of living through better contracts, strengthening our political action program, and establishing a health and welfare trust fund for active and retired members. We can achieve these goals if we work together—so let’s all work together to accomplish the extraordinary.”


Donna Domingo 
Local Vice President

Donna Domingo is from the Maui Lu Resort, and has served for many years as Unit Chair and Local Trustee. “As the titled officer assigned to oversee organizing, I want to make sure our organizing program is strong and that we meet our goals for bringing new members into the union. We must also get more current members involved and actively participating in the union. I believe that ILWU members are some of the smartest, most dedicated workers around. If we are all actively involved in the union—whether it be through organizing, negotiations, policing the contract, or political action—we can truly improve our workplaces, our home lives, and our communities.”


Guy Fujimura 
Local Secretary-Treasurer

Guy Fujimura is on leave from Daiichiya Love’s Bakery, Inc. to serve as Local Secretary-Treasurer. “Historically, the ILWU has been a mover for economic, social and political change. Before the union, Hawaii was a feudal society and five companies controlled everything. But once the ILWU organized on the docks, plantations, and other industries, workers were able to win better pay and working conditions, and break down the racial barriers that employers used to divide them. I believe that being ILWU members gives us the opportunity to continue this tradition of improving society. Through the ILWU, we fight injustice, discrimination and oppression; we work for dignity, prosperity and peace for ourselves, our families and fellow workers everywhere in the world.”


Richard Baker Jr. 
Hawaii Division Director

Richard Baker Jr. worked at the Hilo Coast Processing Co. (HCPC) before becoming a full-time officer. “I will work with the Hawaii Division team to build unity in the rank-andfile leadership with training programs, mobilization and setting priorities for our future—to continue the fight for workers’ rights. As Division Director, I will be available to the rank-and-file and work with the BAs to uphold and protect the rights of our membership—WE ARE HERE FOR YOU!”

Isaac Fiesta Jr. 
Hawaii Division Business Agent

Isaac Fiesta Jr. is also a former sugar worker from HCPC. “I would like to work closely with unit officers so we can all do a good job representing our members and negotiating better contracts. This union is only as strong as our membership, so everyone needs to get involved and support their unit officers. We also need to organize new units and negotiate good first contracts.”


Greg Gauthier 
Hawaii Division Business Agent

Greg Gauthier is on leave from the Mauna Kea Beach Hotel. “I would like to inspire the ‘sleeping giant’ known as labor to partake in the celebration of democracy by taking an active role in our struggle.” Greg does not feel that he chose to run for office, but that “Labor chose me first by virtue of my being born to a very poor and underprivileged set of parents. I witnessed first hand the need to redistribute the prosperity of this great country in a way that reflects our compassion and humanity.”


Elmer Gorospe 
Hawaii Division Business Agent

Elmer Gorospe of Mauna Loa Macadamia Nut Corp. is the newest Hawaii Division Business Agent and also the only one from the mac nut industry. “What I would most like to accomplish in office is to succeed as a Business Agent, because if I am successful that means I am doing everything I can for the members. I chose to run for office because I wanted to help other members the way I had been helped in the past.”


Wallace A. Ishibashi Jr. 
Hawaii Division Business Agent

Wallace A. Ishibashi Jr. is also a former Hilo Coast sugar worker. “I would like to build trust and better relationships between members and the union, and also to mobilize units so that they are better organized and can better serve their members. I enjoy helping people in need, and will fight to protect the rights of working people. I’ll always make time to hear members concerns; my motto is ‘When in doubt, check me out.’ ”


Roy Jardine 
Hawaii Division Business Agent

Roy Jardine hails from the longshore industry and has been a Business Agent for over 15 years. “The thing I would most like to accomplish is the establishment of an ILWU health and welfare trust fund, which I think would greatly benefit our members and their families. My goal of working for the membership remains unchanged; I feel rewarded when I am able to help members.”

Richard Kaniho 
Hawaii Division Business Agent

Richard Kaniho is on leave from Mauna Lani Bay Hotel and Bungalows. “My goal is to get full participation and a more active membership in the units I serve. Attending the International Convention and learning about the workers who built the union has inspired me. Learning about the struggle they went through made me want to be a part of the fight for justice in the workplace.”